Predicting another terrorist attack


Hello. Since we did not see 9/11 comming. This time we should try and predict if there will a terrorist attack. Since we all have this Gift we should try and see what we all can do.

My sister did in deed predict 911 while on vacation in Greece in Aug of 2001.
She had a feeling and said that somthing extermly bad was going to happen when we go back to NY. It will change the world. She did not know it was going to be but it was just was going to be bad. (she has a gift was well.
My whole famliy shares the gift....but iam more into it)

My mother says the next attack will be on July 6 2007. Because 9/11=911 to call the police and SOS= save our souls (or ship) when you put SOS on a phone you get 7/6/7. So i think it will be in 2007. when you add 7+6+2+0+0+7= 17= THE STAR -hope-being generous,I Think the star is how everyone will act on this date.

911///9+11+2+0+0+1=23--2+3= THE HIEROPHANT- becoming informed, identifying with a group , joining an organization, working as a team.being committed to a cause.
This is how everyone was on 911. Helping others

I did a reading for that date. I did a three card spread.
i got-
THE MOON- feeling fear,believing illusions, feeling bewildered , becoming confused, suffering from phobias, being overcome by anxieties.

4 of pentacles- hanging on to someone, saving, maintaining control, imposing structure. wanting everything to stay the same.

7 of cups- indulging in wishful thinking, dreaming, facing an array of choices,
letting everything go.

Please if you read this do a readings and tell me what you get for this date.
We have a gift and we need to use it for the GOOD OF THE WORLD!!!!

Indigo Rose

Alpha-Omega said:
I did a reading for that date. I did a three card spread.
i got-
THE MOON- feeling fear,believing illusions, feeling bewildered , becoming confused, suffering from phobias, being overcome by anxieties.

4 of pentacles- hanging on to someone, saving, maintaining control, imposing structure. wanting everything to stay the same.

7 of cups- indulging in wishful thinking, dreaming, facing an array of choices,
letting everything go.

Please if you read this do a readings and tell me what you get for this date.
We have a gift and we need to use it for the GOOD OF THE WORLD!!!!

Hi Alpha-Omega. I didn't do a reading on the date you selected, however I have a few thoughts to share with you on this matter.

Let me offer another suggestion for the meanings of the cards as shown. The Moon and the 7 Cups appearing together suggest a hidden answer, that the outcome is as of yet not being revealed. The 4 of pentacles I think does speak of hanging on, which we are all in fact doing as we wait to see the future unfold.

I did a series of readings on America, a yearly outlook back in February. These cards were interesting and I am watching as our history unfolds and seeing how the Tarot communicated the forecast of the events.
The cards were pulled randomly with no specific category attached to them. I just asked as I shuffled and pulled the cards for the overview of what America would be experiencing as a nation during these months, and I went month by month.

February: 5 Pentacles and Ace Swords
The interesting thing about these cards is that the budget was being debated and voted on in February. One can certainly see that represented by these 2 cards.

I won't bore everyone with the month to month overview, but I would like to post a few key things that stood out.

For 2005, according to this reading, there are 3 key months that show some possible struggles for the nation during these months.

May: 10 Swords, Hanged Man, 10 Pentacles I wondered if we were seeing a continuning struggle over the budget. Monetary issues seem prominent, there is a great deal of bi-partisan fighting which "hangs up" movement forward on a productive path and perhaps the 10 of Swords with the Hanged Man is hinting that May will not see a conclusion to our budgetary struggles, but a prolonging of them.

July: 8 Wands, Strength, 10 Wands(I pulled 2 more for more depth) Emperor and 9 swords.
With the 8 wands, Strength, and 10 wands I think of some event happening swiftly, unexpectedly, and that taps our reserves as a nation. The Emperor and 9 of Swords seems to indicate our President will be carrying a great deal of mental anguish over whatever the events or situation will be.

Sept: 9 Pentacles, 7 Swords, 8 Swords(again pulled some clarifiers)Hermit, World, Tower.

The thing that jumped out at me from these cards is America being alone(9 pentacles/Hermit vs World/Tower). The 7 & 8 of Swords together seem to emphasize this sense of being stuck in a bad place in the World as a whole. I can't help but attach the 7 of Swords to the act of taking down Iraq/Suddam. Despite the President's "victory" in the polls and the celebration over Iraq's 'free' election, many in the World at large see America as "theives in the night"--aka the 7 of Swords. Yes, these cards speak to me of America sadly facing her own demons without the allies she once had; certainly as Sept is the month we remember the tragedy of 9/11 and the cards falling in the month of Sept. I can't help but see a connection.

All of this remains to be seen.

Indigo Rose


Look beyond the walls of your home [4 pents]... see the wider picture [7 cups]. It would be an illusion to believe that acts of terrorism are not happening in the world daily [The moon].

psychic sue

I dreamt that Birmingham City Centre was bombed last night. In particular I saw the Bull Ring Centre completely oblitereated. The full dream had a spiritual message for me, I think, but I just wonder if this could have also been a prediction. I sincerely hope not.

Sue x



i was searching to find old threads to see if anybody predicted the london attacks.

Take a look at Indigo Rose's reading (although about America) for 2005- she refers to 3 key months, including July-

"July: 8 Wands, Strength, 10 Wands(I pulled 2 more for more depth) Emperor and 9 swords.
With the 8 wands, Strength, and 10 wands I think of some event happening swiftly, unexpectedly, and that taps our reserves as a nation. The Emperor and 9 of Swords seems to indicate our President will be carrying a great deal of mental anguish over whatever the events or situation will be."

Maybe the events relate to the US receiving news about the london bombings.

Take a look at Psychic sue's dream:

"I dreamt that Birmingham City Centre was bombed last night. In particular I saw the Bull Ring Centre completely oblitereated. The full dream had a spiritual message for me, I think, but I just wonder if this could have also been a prediction. I sincerely hope not."

Wasn't birmingham city recently evacuated following a security alert?



And Alpha Omega said 6th July, when in fact it was 7th July in the UK.


In the 11 September WTC disaster and the Bali bombings, the number "11" seems to have been significant. The Bali Bombings occurred on 12/10/02 but it would have been 11/10 in other places in the world. Apparently the number "11" has particular significance in Islamic culture. JMD did a thread on this after the Bali Bombings but I can't find it right now.

I'll try to find it and post a link here.



Indigo Rose said:
Hi Alpha-Omega. I didn't do a reading on the date you selected, however I have a few thoughts to share with you on this matter.

Let me offer another suggestion for the meanings of the cards as shown. The Moon and the 7 Cups appearing together suggest a hidden answer, that the outcome is as of yet not being revealed. The 4 of pentacles I think does speak of hanging on, which we are all in fact doing as we wait to see the future unfold.

I did a series of readings on America, a yearly outlook back in February. These cards were interesting and I am watching as our history unfolds and seeing how the Tarot communicated the forecast of the events.
The cards were pulled randomly with no specific category attached to them. I just asked as I shuffled and pulled the cards for the overview of what America would be experiencing as a nation during these months, and I went month by month.

February: 5 Pentacles and Ace Swords
The interesting thing about these cards is that the budget was being debated and voted on in February. One can certainly see that represented by these 2 cards.

I won't bore everyone with the month to month overview, but I would like to post a few key things that stood out.

For 2005, according to this reading, there are 3 key months that show some possible struggles for the nation during these months.

May: 10 Swords, Hanged Man, 10 Pentacles I wondered if we were seeing a continuning struggle over the budget. Monetary issues seem prominent, there is a great deal of bi-partisan fighting which "hangs up" movement forward on a productive path and perhaps the 10 of Swords with the Hanged Man is hinting that May will not see a conclusion to our budgetary struggles, but a prolonging of them.

July: 8 Wands, Strength, 10 Wands(I pulled 2 more for more depth) Emperor and 9 swords.
With the 8 wands, Strength, and 10 wands I think of some event happening swiftly, unexpectedly, and that taps our reserves as a nation. The Emperor and 9 of Swords seems to indicate our President will be carrying a great deal of mental anguish over whatever the events or situation will be.

Sept: 9 Pentacles, 7 Swords, 8 Swords(again pulled some clarifiers)Hermit, World, Tower.

The thing that jumped out at me from these cards is America being alone(9 pentacles/Hermit vs World/Tower). The 7 & 8 of Swords together seem to emphasize this sense of being stuck in a bad place in the World as a whole. I can't help but attach the 7 of Swords to the act of taking down Iraq/Suddam. Despite the President's "victory" in the polls and the celebration over Iraq's 'free' election, many in the World at large see America as "theives in the night"--aka the 7 of Swords. Yes, these cards speak to me of America sadly facing her own demons without the allies she once had; certainly as Sept is the month we remember the tragedy of 9/11 and the cards falling in the month of Sept. I can't help but see a connection.

All of this remains to be seen.

Indigo Rose

just wanted to bring this specific thread to attention...given the events of the day

Lula Jing

Originally posted by Psychic Sue: I dreamt that Birmingham City Centre was bombed last night. In particular I saw the Bull Ring Centre completely oblitereated
If Birmingham comes under attack, I personally think the Bull Ring Centre is the most likely target. My sister works in the Bull Ring. The very idea of an attack makes my blood run cold!

I have heard today that there have been some more incidents in London, causing tube stations to be closed and people to be evacuated.

I hope and pray that nobody has been hurt!


nobody hurt but total chaos. 3 trains and a bus.