Pricing guidelines?


Working on my fliers for this small local event I'll be reading at, and wanted to bounce what I have so far, and get some feedback from you. If you think, even as a newbie, I'm short-changing myself, please, tell me!!

Mini readings (15 min) $5.00
Celtic Cross spread (30 min) $10.00 (It won't even take 30 mins)

and by appt only, Astrology/Numerology/Tarot reading $20.00 (45 mins)

Whatcha think?? :confused:


Boy, are you gonna get a lot of posts on this one! LOL

I think you should price yourself according to how experienced you are and what's fair by that. If you're not someone with 30 years of experience, don't price yourself like you are, for one thing. You're certainly not doing that.

Putting out a tip jar will probably get you as much or more money than actual pricing, in my opinion, because people are so used to paying a dollar a minute for their readings that they expect to pay that much. That way, you know you're able to read for those who really need a reading but can't afford exorbitant prices and at the other end of the spectrum, you'll get those who will overpay by some, so it all averages out. This is purely my opinion, mind you. You'll find that most of the responses you get are of the dollar-a-minute variety. There are lots of ways to word "dollar a minute" on your flyers so it doesn't sound like an actual dollar a minute and won't drive customers off.

Even by my skinny opinion of what's right, though, I think your prices are too low unless you've never had any experience reading for the public at all.

Demon Goddess

I'm with Griz.

I started my pricing at $20 per mini reading (three cards) and $80 for a full reading and I am considering switching to a pay what you can afford price. But, then, I've been reading for nearly 30 years... so, make of that what you will.

Some suggested that I ask around and find out what others are charging locally before I set my prices and I felt that they were charging too little ($30 per hour).


Demon Goddess said:
Some suggested that I ask around and find out what others are charging locally before I set my prices and I felt that they were charging too little ($30 per hour).
Demon Goddess makes a very good point. Finding out what the market standards are for your area and charging accordingly will not only NOT undersell yourself, but it will also not cut down the "competition" and essentially end up lowering everyone's rates in order for them to remain competitive.

Also, people often assume value by price tag. If you are giving them a good reading, you are worth a dollar-a-minute or more. Asking that (or whatever your area's "going rates" are) will make your clients understand you value your own worth, too.


p.s. (And this isn't directed at the OP, but at anyone who is asking this question of her/himself.) If you really don't think you are "good enough" to charge the going rate, then you maybe aren't ready to go public. Don't mean to sound harsh, but while there is room for everyone to go professional, not everyone is ready to, even if they want to...yet.


What is your time worth?

A Celtic Cross has 10 cards. 30 minutes divided by 10 cards means you’re going to have to talk 3 minutes on each card.

Out where I live, the going rate is varies from $1-$3 per minute. A 5-card 20 minute spread means that you have 5 minutes per card. That’s a whole lotta time.

Myself, I have a really tough time being talking for five minutes per card. I’m simply not that verbose. I lean towards the succinct. I can do a 20 minute reading (7-cards, just shy of three minutes per card), but 30 minutes? Not my style.

So the first thing about pricing – how verbose or succinct are you? Then figure the spread to match your style.
starrystarrynight said:
p.s. (And this isn't directed at the OP, but at anyone who is asking this question of her/himself.) If you really don't think you are "good enough" to charge the going rate, then you maybe aren't ready to go public. Don't mean to sound harsh, but while there is room for everyone to go professional, not everyone is ready to, even if they want to...yet.

Very very true. And then again - we all begin at the beginning; that single step...

Demon Goddess

Umbrae said:
we all begin at the beginning; that single step...

Like the fool stepping off the cliff. :D


I like to charge $20 for a 15 to 20 minute reading. I think it's probably too low, but I also don't like to schlepp around a lot of cash to make change. ATMs pay out in 20s. 20s are nice and easy. That's still $60 to $80 an hour.

I tend to use multiple small spreads when I read for someone, so I can do a lot in 15 to 20 minutes. Even the longest Russian Gypsy Fortune Telling Card layout - including searching for the images has only taken 7 minutes. That leaves time for the Tarot to provide the details to the questions the RGFCs brought up.

I can't hardly talk about any one card/image for more than a minute -- usually a lot less. Because the person is sitting there, you don't need to spend time describing the cards. I like to use the Golden Tarot and it likes to speak to the sitters in very literal terms frequently (soon to be ex husbands depicted by 10 of Swords, etc.), so I have time to answer multiple questions or drill in on the details in specific areas.

Umbrae's advice regarding calculating the time to do what you do -- the BEST advice on pricing I've ever gotten. :thumbsup:

John Q comes in and really wants a reading, but only has a $5... or $0? Sure I'll read for you! Have a seat :D Be prepared to give away a reading or two... consider it an offering to the 'Verse. You will be rewarded for it, and rewarded well. :D

:love: valeria


Keep talking, folks, this is on my mind right now.