Progressed Mars


My progressed Mars Is Now Aries In My 6th House, and I have been feeling it alot lately. It says this creates conflicts at work with arguments with coworkers and this has definitely happened. I went from a natal cooperative mars in pisces to an aggressive, frustrated person with a new surge of energy and anger...but this is right on the edge of my 6th house and will last in the 7th house for quite some time..and thats the house of there anything significant I can expect here? since my natal mars is in the 7th too?


my prog mars is in my 6th house along with majority of my other planets, but luckily its in virgo so its not soo irritable


Here, there, everywhere

Here, there, everywhere .... we all have to have Mars somewhere, as a natal planet, a progressed planet, a directed planet, a transiting planet. There are some general guidelines to consider before getting all worried and frazzled over Mars' placement in a chart, any chart.

** You should reflect on the aspect-relationships that Mars has with the other planets in your chart. After all, Mars is a member of the team, your team. It tends to both express itself as well as having to interact with other planets in order to find its widest expression. SO, HOW DOES MARS GENERALLY WORK FOR YOU? The natal imprint will always guide how Mars works in other charts.

** Reflect upon how transiting Mars through the houses has worked over the past two years or so. THIS WILL SHOW YOU HOW MARS TYPICALLY WORKS FOR YOU.

** Next, find a book or on-line resource that provides information about how Mars might work, positively and negatively, when in houses or in aspect to other planets. Think deeply about this. Consider how you might choose to better direct or to experience Mars on different levels and under differing circumstances. WE CAN MANAGE OUR OWN SYMBOLS. THEY SELDOM MANAGE US.



dadsnook2000 said:
** Reflect upon how transiting Mars through the houses has worked over the past two years or so. THIS WILL SHOW YOU HOW MARS TYPICALLY WORKS ... Next, find a book or on-line resource that provides information about how Mars might work, positively and negatively, when in houses or in aspect to other planets.

Doing this this morning!

dadsnook2000 said:

Stealing this, too!

Thanks, dads.

Transits move so fast it has been difficult for me to care about them (most last a few hours or days at the most). The idea of watching how the transits ebb and flow over a period of time, now, this is a different approach entirely. Very cool.


yes i do agree that you need to work out how things flow by seeing the impact of the previous cycle....i would love to do that, if i had the patience:)


For 214red

Learning astrology is all about patience, and casting many, many charts each week and month. As I've noted before, there are weeks when I might cast and study 50 or more charts. And, you have to read a lot, really read. And then, you do charts for people and put your heart and soul on the line. Challenges of this nature make you really think before you open your mouth, but what a confidence builder it is. Dave


dadsnook2000 said:
Learning astrology is all about patience, and casting many, many charts each week and month. As I've noted before, there are weeks when I might cast and study 50 or more charts. And, you have to read a lot, really read. And then, you do charts for people and put your heart and soul on the line. Challenges of this nature make you really think before you open your mouth, but what a confidence builder it is. Dave
yes it does, sadly i dont have the time to study it as much as i did last year which is a pity, am hoping there is something intensive during the summer break from college.

to be honest i wish i hadnt studied modern astrology, i think i would have prefered traditional astrology, however teachers of this method seem hard to find here


Traditional versus "modern" astrology

214red noted an important area of discussion among astrologers, namely the use and practice of various and highly different forms of astrology. Just off the top of my head, I can think of several broad areas, each of which has many distinctly unique sub-areas (and each of them have variants).

** Modern astrology based on natal, progressed and transiting charts.
** Modern astrology based on cyclic charts such as solar and lunar returns, and harmonic charts, locational charts, etc.
** Uranian and midpoint practices which emphasize planetary relationships with less dependence, if any at all, on signs and houses.
** Traditional astrology based on what Minderwiz has been writing about.
** Hellinistic astrology using more ancient methods.
** Joytish or Vedic astrology as practiced originally in India following Alexander the Great's invasion and disruption of culture and historical records.
** Ancient practices of varied nature as practiced in Mesopotamia and other near East cultures, the Eqytians, the Mayans, Chinese methods, etc.

And, all the while one studies and uses some of these methods, new practices are developed, new methods of data presentation are developed that go far beyond circular charts, and cross pollination occurs.

To all of this we have to add an important factor --- the skill/knowledge level of the practicing astrologer. Some of us just look at a chart and read it as if it were already written in text. Further, we adjust our method of reading and interpretation and synthesis depending upon the type of chart being read and relative to the depth and range of questions be asked of us. For beginners or early-studies astrologers this is bewildering.

Yet, the one thing we all have in common is the thrill of seeing a chart and a person merge into one's understanding, followed by the thrill of being able to substantively help someone else. This is the ties that binds us as well as the driving force behind sharing what we know with others just starting on their astrological path. Dave


214red said:
to be honest i wish i hadnt studied modern astrology, i think i would have prefered traditional astrology, however teachers of this method seem hard to find here

Whilst it would be nice to say don't bother with modern Astrology, I have to point out that you can't easily study any form of Astrology without some understanding of the modern form. I was taught that way, as was Dave. We have both in some way or other departed from the 'standard' form, because in some way or other the modern format has proved to be inadequate. However without the preliminary study it's virtually impossible to work out what the 'something inadequate' is. A good Astrology course should perhaps address most of the approaches Dave mentions, at least to give a student a reasonably broad based knowledge of what is out there.

Dadsnook2000 said:
To all of this we have to add an important factor --- the skill/knowledge level of the practicing astrologer

Very true!! There's no quick fix , here. Study, Study and more Study are what matters - not just reading a book/text once but re-reading it frequently and thinking hard on it's ideas and trying to put them into practice.

To return to the main topic:

I'm always a bit wary of making any statement on a chart, without a copy of it in front of me. However I have some doubts here. This is more likely because my visualisation of the chart is faulty rather than anything else. My natal Mars started out at 12 degees Leo and now 62.5 years later, it's managed to get to 6 degrees Virgo (24 degrees in that time). It has moved from the twelfth House into the first and it's not going to go any further unless I live to be well over 100 (it's going to turn retrograde about 80 years old).

My point is that progressed Mars moves so slowly that if your progressed Mars has changed sign since you were born, the odds are heavily that it isn't going to change signs again, and the same odds apply to houses. Dave's point therefore needs to be stressed, you need to spend a lot of time thinking about natal Mars and highly dignified Mars - and how to make constructive use of it because it's unlikely to go away now. Remember Mars is highly dignified in Aries, it will work constructively - you have to learn how to control it.

Edited to add:

I should also have qualified the above comment on Mars, by stating clearly that we're assuming Mars in the culprit. I might not cast the huge amount of charts that Dave does but I do like to look through a range of possibilities, and quite often two or more factors might be at work. I can't tell without a chart though.

I also have some reservations about using the 6th for 'co-workers', unless you are a manager and 'co -worker' is a euphemism for your subordinates. The sixth relates to servants and co-workers are usually not servants. The tenth (employment, career and status) and the seventh (other people) are worthy of investigation. Incidentally, Mars 'joys' in the sixth (He's in one of those places where he can do less damage). Now if Mars rules the seventh, then we have a clear link to 'other people'


Minderwiz said:
Whilst it would be nice to say don't bother with modern Astrology, I have to point out that you can't easily study any form of Astrology without some understanding of the modern form. I was taught that way, as was Dave. We have both in some way or other departed from the 'standard' form, because in some way or other the modern format has proved to be inadequate. However without the preliminary study it's virtually impossible to work out what the 'something inadequate' is. A good Astrology course should perhaps address most of the approaches Dave mentions, at least to give a student a reasonably broad based knowledge of what is out there.

Very true!! There's no quick fix , here. Study, Study and more Study are what matters - not just reading a book/text once but re-reading it frequently and thinking hard on it's ideas and trying to put them into practice.

To return to the main topic:

I'm always a bit wary of making any statement on a chart, without a copy of it in front of me. However I have some doubts here. This is more likely because my visualisation of the chart is faulty rather than anything else. My natal Mars started out at 12 degees Leo and now 62.5 years later, it's managed to get to 6 degrees Virgo (24 degrees in that time). It has moved from the twelfth House into the first and it's not going to go any further unless I live to be well over 100 (it's going to turn retrograde about 80 years old).

My point is that progressed Mars moves so slowly that if your progressed Mars has changed sign since you were born, the odds are heavily that it isn't going to change signs again, and the same odds apply to houses. Dave's point therefore needs to be stressed, you need to spend a lot of time thinking about natal Mars and highly dignified Mars - and how to make constructive use of it because it's unlikely to go away now. Remember Mars is highly dignified in Aries, it will work constructively - you have to learn how to control it.

Edited to add:

I should also have qualified the above comment on Mars, by stating clearly that we're assuming Mars in the culprit. I might not cast the huge amount of charts that Dave does but I do like to look through a range of possibilities, and quite often two or more factors might be at work. I can't tell without a chart though.

I also have some reservations about using the 6th for 'co-workers', unless you are a manager and 'co -worker' is a euphemism for your subordinates. The sixth relates to servants and co-workers are usually not servants. The tenth (employment, career and status) and the seventh (other people) are worthy of investigation. Incidentally, Mars 'joys' in the sixth (He's in one of those places where he can do less damage). Now if Mars rules the seventh, then we have a clear link to 'other people'

thanks!! Ok..well Ive been doing a little research on mars in the 6th and alot of the websites mention the coworker aspect with mars in the 6th (

And then with mars moving into the 7th I guess I was afraid it would go combative because I havent read anything with positives regarding mars in the 7th, but yes your right it is in aries and dignified there..and the progression now trines my natal moon, saturn, and uranus as well as sextiles my natal mercury and venus...communication other than the work thing (which is I think the wake of the sudden surge of energy looking for an outlet) has improved interestingly. I have alot more confidence. As it moves into the 7th I was just seeing how it might affect that area since it now aspects my natal moon and my mercury and venus? The focus might be more on communication with people...not just romantic im guessing.