Queen of Cups as cancer


Yep, I was surprised too. The context for this was that I was using the cards to try and understand a dream, in which I had cancer and was undergoing chemo. Any helpful observations?

The spread I was using was one taught by Rachel Pollack, where you break the dream down into its essential elements, and draw one card for each element. The rest of the dream really mixed up time and place, so I was trying to figure out by doing this whether its a dream advisory, in short get myself back to my specialist pronto, or whether its a more metaphorical take.




I would think that if a querent has had a diagnosis of cancer this would cause
concern. The Q of Cups can mean intuitive thinking, yes? BUT regardless if there
is a concern no doubt a medical consultation is needed. This is health for me
and there would be no other choice. I do hope you consult with your doctor.
Bright Blessings :love:
GB! :)


Not to be diagnostic, but since you dreamed Queen Cups and associated it with cancer, I might think it would be (depending on if it's a RWS Queen with the contained cup), something uterine or something to do with reproductive organs... and because it is contained and a passive water thing, something that doesn't spread or reproduce rapidly.

It never hurts to have annual exams and you can get pap smears often times for reduced rates or even for free at public health clinics or during women' wellness drives.

I just reread your post... boy did I ever muck that up. Queen Cups is about the dream you had... Doh, sorry.

Ok then... what a rotten dream!!! Is there some one in your life who is a cancer to it, someone who is invasive & feeding on you, draining you and you have to resort of drastic measure to heal and not be overtaken by them. That cup she holds, could be feelings that are repressed... something is eating you on the inside... perhaps.


think more in a literal interp - Queen of Cups is a Cancer, a water sign, astrologically:)
You might want to consider if one is playing an important role in your life right now.


balenciaga said:
think more in a literal interp - Queen of Cups is a Cancer, a water sign, astrologically:)
You might want to consider if one is playing an important role in your life right now.
My thoughts exactly. It sounds like a "language of the birds" interpretation - where a visual image evoking a word is related to a card in a way that is not literal, but sounds similar. A bit like the game of charades.

So you have the Queen of Cups to represent a time of trial - is there a cancer woman (person!) in your surroundings that represents a trial you must undertake - or maybe the way through that trial (if we take the chemo)? Is there a situation where you are expected to be tenacious and intuitive in order to go through a trial that is eating at you?

What kind of cancer was it?


Hello there.

Thanks all for your comments. Its all a little confusing isnt it? In relation to thinking about whether it could stand for another person, I then had to canvas the possibility that it could be about my mother who is fighting liver cancer right now, but if I had to cast her as a court card I'd say a damaged Queen of Swords. As i am not genetically related to my mother, I dont have to worry about inheritance of a predisposition towards that kind of cancer. What I inherited from my biological father was the crappest skin ever, I've had a skin cancer for every year I have been alive. Most recently I had some pretty extensive reconstructive surgery on my nose. So in addition to getting myself back to the specialist for another check, I think that such a long term history of having bits burnt and cut out of me that bespeaks of a pattern, as WalesWoman suggests. Time to plunge into that cup and see whats really at the bottom of it.

Love to you all,


Perhaps this dream relates to a possible need for detoxification of the body, as in the need to drink more or purer water, to flush accumulated poisons away somehow ? Maybe something in your immediate environment is far from congenial for you right now ? Just a couple of thoughts.
In general Cancarian people are some of the longest lived of the zodiac.


AN emotional problem is unresolved, and causing problems, time for a resoultion.