Queen of Pentacles

Open Arms

I keep getting the Queen of Pentacles coming up either as how people see me or as the final outcome of a CC. This has happened 4 times in the last week!

I keep tripping over her everywhere! And she keeps coming up as my "present" in my daily three card draws (past/present/future).

I suppose I do inspire trust and nurture people but I feel that something is lacking....


The queen is very practical and hard working, very welcoming, warm and generous, trustworthy and resourceful, who likes animals and children, always loyal and steadfast. The shrewd business woman who knows how to handle the finances.


Sometimes I've had a court show up in positions like those (especially outcome) to remind the seeker that in the end, she needs to be or will make the effort to be more like that court...

In the case of the Q of P, maybe it's a reminder that the seeker may find she needs to pay more attention to her physical security (health, finances, educational issues, sensuality, etc.)

It could also signify a different person who will help her to do just that.

6 Haunted Days

Looking at it from a psychology/spiritual aspect when one recieves a court card (or any card, specially a court though) day after day, like a bad dream which won't go away, you are projecting from a complex (areas of inner conflict) and need to work with that card and expands its dimensions for you. It won't go away until you recognize and integrate it. It's a sign that the interpertation and understanding of the archetype is stuck in a narrow aspect or understanding of it. For example perhaps when this card comes up you think of the practical earthiness of card and not the deep sensuous aspect of it. Just an example.


Why not ask the deck what this is all about? Pull out Queen/Pents, put her at the center, and do a spread around her asking for clarification on what she's about and what she's trying to tell you?

Open Arms

I think I might take her out of the deck and draw some other cards to get some clarification - it will be interesting to see just what I draw!