queen of wands/king of swords/judgment = outcome


Anyone else hate it when court cards are the outcome ?
hi everyone,
I need ur help with my latest reading. I was trying to see if there would be any romance for me in 2009. I'm still a beginner and court cards as outcomes have always puzzled me. I got the queen of wands as the outcome (celtic cross spread) so I pulled another card to clarify it and guess what?? yep, another court card, king of swords.I tried to think of the queen as representing myself and the king a potential interest but I am as far away from the queen of wand's personality as possible. How would you interpret it?
I then pulled a third card (something I've never done before) and it was judgment. This was also the last card in my new year reading and it's been popping up in general (with different decks). I think out of all the majors, judgment is the one I'm least familiar with. After reading all I could find about it here on aeclectic, the various meanings seem to describe very well my immediate PAST. but why is it an outcome here? what am I not seeing? :(
( I think it's relevant to add that it's my strength year and that the tower was in position 6, future events, in this spread).


I would guess that having the Queen of Wands come up as outcome in this spread (especially with the two clarifying cards you drew), it could mean that you will have to think hard about what you want in a future lover based upon what has realistically worked and not worked for you in the past...and then be proactive to go out and find that person.

The Queen of Wands is dynamic and passionate, and you may have to show those qualities to attract the kind of romance you want in 2009. I think this card is saying that you can't just hope love will come to you...you have to go out and look for it. :)

Edited to add: The Tower is telling you to shake things up a bit...if you are not at all like the Queen of Wands, as you say, maybe you will need to try to develop some of her traits in order to find your love. Judgment is a turning point card, so that could mean that things are about to change for you in the romance department!


Thank you starrynight! That was my initial hunch too. when I first saw the card, I thought : probably traits I need to develop... but I always search for some deeper meaning. ha, I should try to trust my first impressions more.
Since Judgment keeps coming up, I followed an advice by ''thirteen'' posted on aeclectic, which is to cut the deck in 4 parts and see which one contains the card. Judgment was in the spirituality/long term goals pile. Then i did a spread to see what it's trying to tell me and I got the tower again in the same position! (future events). Things are definitely going to be shook up this year. I thought that was last year but apparently, i haven't seen anything yet :)


Sever said:
I thought that was last year but apparently, i haven't seen anything yet
:D :D :D !!