Queen Of Wands


I'm new at doing Tarot Cards,so maybe one of you can help me out with this question;).ok,What dose the "Queen Of Wands"stand for?And I've heard that some of the cards have "Physical Apprance"is that true?see,I'm too new for Tarot cards*lol*:-D,I hope one of you can help!Thanks;-)

Melissa*Scorpio Queen*:D


Hi Missy -

I see the Queen of Wands as someone who walks into a room and commands a presence. She's confident, energetic and enthusiastic yet keeps a certain degree of grace about her. She's charming and people like to be with her - they may even want to BE her. I think these qualities can formulate the sort of "physical attractiveness" you read about because it is, after all, what one has INSIDE that counts!! The Queen of Wands reminds me of Julia Roberts, she's one that exudes a magnetic glow from the inside. Without that glow, she just wouldn't, 'shine' as much. Would she be as "beautiful" if she sulked all the time and had a low self-opinion? I don't think so! (Queen of Swords? Hillary Clinton!) These are just my opinions... hope it helps!

~ january


January, very good description... I agree with you on a lot of it. But you can't forget the flip side. The Queen of Wands can be harsh and demanding. Sometimes she's an outright bitch.

She's also not adverse to using her sexuality to her own advantage, even to the point of manipulation.

All of the court cards have their dark side - the Queen of Wands just seems to have the biggest extremes.


in the rider waite deck the queen of wands is the starsign leo, i see the queen as confident and ready for a challenge when upright but suffering from low self esteem, not feeling up to her usual kicking butt self when reversed :)

Major Tom

Oddly enough, I've always thought the Queen of Wands had red hair and was Aries. }>

Can't disagree with any of the other comments though...


No, that's your girlfriend you're thinking about Major Tom!!
Just kidding :p


I recently had an unfortunate encounter with a Queen of Wands reversed (sexy and strident). Watch out!! (Her favorite saying was "If you're in a room full of snakes, you have-to expect to get bit.")


Hi Tommy,

Guess the comment about the room full of snakes is right the only things which keep me from going mad at the moment is this forum.


Quote:catlin (21 Nov, 2001 00:28):
Hi Tommy,

Guess the comment about the room full of snakes is right the only things which keep me from going mad at the moment is this forum.

Hi catlin,
Thanks for the support. Actually, I wasn't really crying about this. Just wanted to note that hell hath no fury like a Queen of Wands reversed. Steer clear of them if you don't want an earful. (Just think Judge Judy gone crazy and in a foul mood.)

Have a good one,