Quest Tarot - What do you think?


I want to know what some other people think about Quest Tarot...

...personally, I am torn. I love the Major Arcana, even some of the court, but the Minor Arcana are very difficult for me to read.

As far as the other items on the card, they confuse me more than help me.

What do you think?


I have this deck and like it but do not use it often.

To be honest I just use it as a tarot deck and tend to ignore a lot of the other symbols. However, the yes no, look to the past or look in the future indicators are quite useful at times, if I do get specific questions requiring such an answer.

Otherwise I tend not to use the other systems. I would have to get the book out to remind myself of all that can be done with the deck, as it is so long since I did use it, but could not really part with it. The book is fairly user friendly though but I do recall one part where you had to use some maths, which was a little confusing.



I own this deck and like most of the cards but it is to busy for me touse this deck as of now. I will have to spend a lot of time with this deck and as of now I am way to busy.

I thin if you can master this deck and feel comfortable with all the information it will be an awsome tool in your tarot tool belt.


I find the figures creepy...

and so do not use this deck at all. The inclusion of so many other symbol systems is just too it tarot? is it an oracle? is it the kitchen sink? I have no clue...and don't even know why I have kept it on my shelf for so long.

Two thumbs down, for me. Your mileage may vary.



I have it too...

I also have the Quest Tarot. I like it, but I haven't used it in some time. I like the Majors, which includes the Multiverse card. One of my favorites is the Lovers card, as it has the symbols for gay, straight, and lesbian orientations at its top.The Minors remind me of the Thoth, which is the first deck I learned to read with, so I'm okay with that, even though I prefer fully illustrated Minors.
I have used the yes/no/maybe feature. I have also used the runes feature, as well as the spelling out of words. I figured why not at least try the features, right? I didn't really like the results, so I don't use them when reading with the deck.
I do, however, like the skin/hair/eye colors associated with Court Cards, and have used those from time to time.
I think, Aziah, if some of the features confuse you, don't use them. Use the things about the deck that work for you, and don't worry about the rest.
Best to you,


Oh, I forgot...

I forgot to mention the timing and seasonal features....I have used those as well, and I did like the results when I did.


I have it, too. It was given to me at a time when I was so new to tarot that it was completely overwhelming. I think once I feel completely confident in my standard tarot interpretations, I will be able to focus on the other aspects of the deck. Overall I really like it. I think it is a deck you can continue to grow with. I'm glad to have it and feel that one day, I'll be ready for it.