Question about Celtic Cross Spread & Hanson-Roberts Kit

Sad Gurl

Hello All,
A long time ago when I was first starting out I got the Hanson-Roberts kit. It came with a blue book, the Hanson-Roberts Deck and a yellow paper. On the yellow paper was the Celtic Cross Spread with all its positional meanings. Now I know that the Celtic Cross has a lot of different positional meanings for many different people. I was hoping that maybe someone has this yellow spreadsheet with the positional meanings. They were slightly different from the ones I've seen in other books.
I rememember that 4th card was the distant past and the 5th card was the recent past. If anyone has this please share with me the spread.
Thank You!


I have the spreadsheet, though it isn't on a yellow piece of paper. It's colorful and has the artwork of the Hanson Roberts Deck. I'll list the positional meanings here, but I can also mail you the spreadsheet if you'd like. I have extras for some reason and I really don't use these positions when I do a Celtic Cross, so I'd be happy to send one to you.

6 1/2 4-8

1- Present Position
2- Immediate Influence
3- Goal or Destiny
4- Distant Past
5- Recent Past Events
6- Future Influence
7- The Questioner
8- Environmental Factors
9- Inner Emotions
10 Final Results