Question about daily card draw


Hi, I've been reading the various threads in the past couple of weeks and am learning a great deal, but I haven't found one for my question; if it exists, I'm sorry for the repetition.

My question is about the daily card draw. I'm new to tarot and am using the daily draw to familiarise myself with the RWS deck. I've been pulling a daily card for myself for about 2 months- there are more spot on ones than less, and there are only a few I can't quite figure out.

Anyway, my question is, to what extent do you think the card pre-empts rather than reflects the energy of the day? Does getting a card set up one's expectations for the day, like a self-fulfilling prophecy? Sometimes when I get an active card, I'm kind of encouraged to do things, but when I get a "bad" card, I tend to look out for negative events in the day.

Any thoughts would be welcome. Thanks in advance!



I don't believe the future is set in concrete. When I get a 'good' card I'm pleased, and hope that it will manifest something good.

When I get a 'bad' card, I see it as a warning -- that if I don't do something to change my energy, something I don't like may happen.


you card draws should have an intention. Are you using the card to predict for you what will happen. For instance the stuff you can't change. Or are you asking the cards to give you advice by warning you of a situation.

That makes a big difference. For instance, I got a 10 swords card. I had no idea what it mean, because that card terrifies me and is similar to the Death card, but more violently so. Therefore, i did a clarification spread on the card.

1. What does this card mean
2. What doesn't this card mean (the opposite meaning of the upright or reveral position, if you are using reversals)
3. Expectation (clarifies what the draw card represent. Let's say you drew a 2 cups, and the #3 card ends up being a lovers card. The #3 card is emphasizing the 2 cups draw is most likely about a romantic situation. And you can't prevent this situation from happening even if you tried, becuase it is an expectation aka destiny/fate card.)


the third card could be your advice card on what to do (for the 2 cups you get a Ace Swords. RW deck is a crown hovering the swords. Perhaps this card is saying to use a condom when you mutually hook up with someone.)

Back to my story. I got the 10 swords. #1 was the 9 swords and #2 was Sun while #3 came up to being R Death.

In the morning, I did not know what it all meant. I kept thinking that I was going to be stabbed to death, which would cause me fear and I wouldn't see the sun shine again ever again in life because I would be close to death.

What end up happening was...

10 Swords = I was "pinned" down to my bed
#1 = because I didn't get enough sleep (9 swords was based on the cards illustration imagery, not the cards official book defination/interpretation)
#2 = therefore I would not have enough "energy" (sun)
#3 = because I was "stagnant" (death) from being "dead" tired.

Anyways, as of yesterday I refuse to do daily card draws or daily time spreads, because I am sick and tired of assuming what the card means in future events in my life. In the beginning it is all fun in guessing, but after a few months it can be aggravating, even with the clarifying cards.

I think daily draws are really for people who want to work on their psychic skills. However, I am starting to feel that tarot really only works best to enhance psychic abilities. Especially, if you are not using a spread at all.


Hi Hitchhiker!

I have to agree with Cocobird's take on this - we all have free will, so the cards just show the potential/possibilites of the day. Lately, because my day begins long before the sun comes up, I often do my daily draws at night, and ask what I can learn from my experiences that day.

Take care,


Originally posted by bodhran:
I have to agree with Cocobird's take on this - we all have free will, so the cards just show the potential/possibilites of the day. Lately, because my day begins long before the sun comes up, I often do my daily draws at night, and ask what I can learn from my experiences that day.

I do the same thing, bodhran! I decided to switch and give reflection a try after Umbrae suggested it at one of the Seattle meets. (Thanks Umbrae!)

I used to do a daily draw to get a sense for what my day was going to be like, but I found if it was a bad card, I was a wreck in anticipation of the "bad" thing happening.



valeria said:
I do the same thing, bodhran! I decided to switch and give reflection a try after Umbrae suggested it at one of the Seattle meets. (Thanks Umbrae!)

I used to do a daily draw to get a sense for what my day was going to be like, but I found if it was a bad card, I was a wreck in anticipation of the "bad" thing happening.


I agree, that is why I hate the one card draws. Don't get a Death card in the morning. You will be wondering all day if you are going to hear news of death or not.

I think one card draws are mediocre and can cause unnecessary worries first thing in the morning.


I do mine in the morning (mostly because I do my writing exercises at night), however I can see the value of doing it at night. Hmm, perhaps I'll switch them around a bit this year.

I never get bugged by bad cards in the morning draw. I think of them more as "heads up" cards. Not what will happen, but what may happen. Positive cards are, of course, fabulous, but the negative cards are also valuble. There have been times when my daily draws have reminded me to think before I act, (or react) during situatoins that might go down a bad road.

I always do three card draws - just a habit I got into when I was first learning my Thoth deck.



I never really thought of my daily draw as what's going to happen. I always think of it more like something I need to reflect on or understand. usually how I react, my actions, etc. I try to reflect on the energies of that card and get the positive out of it.

usually they are very accurate in pinpointing areas I need to work on.


I did the daily draws for a while, but stopped because I too was to preoccupied with the card that I checked out each single detail of the day to find the 'meaning' there and then...well many cards could come up during the day.
For example today -
I got a message from a friend than one of our other friends finally gave birth (over a week overdue) what card could reflect that- of of the pages maybe?

Then, I expected a busy day, we were waiting at work for some info from another person to get started with something we are already late - that person is sick, now we have some more time before getting ready - what card? Maybe Hanged Man,

then - during lunch I wanted to go home, something was - again - wrong with the lock and I couldn't open the door (hopefully later on someone is home and can open from inside) card? 8/swords?

ahh well, thats just what came to mind now, and we have just after lunch, so there could be another 3 situation which would fit to anotehr 3 for me, it was all too vague. Plus, I realized sometimes the card reflected the 'main' event from the previous day. So I switched to taking a card at the end of the day...but I got a bit bored from that as well (for the same reasons as above)
And finally, in my experience, the daily cards had far more 'mundane' meanings as when they are in a position in a spread regarding a topic.

But it is a often times - personal preference :)


Thanks for all your replies!

I really appreciate it.

I do the daily draw at night to get a sense of the energy to expect for the next day, rather than a specific event. Sometimes, I ask what I am to learn the next day. But I have had occasions where I will get a card like The Sun or The Magician and have the most frazzled day. I try not to obsess to much about whether the day is turning out according to the card or not. Was just wondering whether prior expectation comes into it.

Example. I usually have a long list of things to do. One morning a couple of weeks ago I decided to have a late lie in and read a novel I'd been putting off, while I was running around trying to tie up the endless loose ends of my life. Decided to be less hard on myself that day and felt the better for it. The day was nearly half over before I remembered that the card I'd drawn for that day was the Hermit... So I wondered if maybe my unconscious had picked it up, and hence my original question. :)

I know some people prefer a three card daily draw, but I found it too much interpreting to do on a daily basis. I actually prefer the succinctness of the one card draw.

Thanks all, I hope to keep learning from you.