question on interpretation


I have a question.

How do you know when a card is telling you you should act like or you shouldn't act like.

The reason for my question is, that i'm currently doing only 3 card spreads, without reversals. I'm doing motto of the day (a great way to learn!!!!), and basic pull 3 cards out and see what they are telling me.

If i get, let say, 10 of wands (RW), i don't know if it means don't burden yourself with to much work, or if it's saying, maybe you should work hard.

I know you are going to tell me to trust my intuition, but i'm still in a phase, where i don't know wheter it's my intuition or wishfull thinking.

As i said i don't do reversals, and i'm always trying to find positive in a card. Is that ok?

because i don't look at ''bad'' cards as bad, but as good (like, 5 of pents - there is a light and church behind, so it means, no matter the situation you just don't see the light, that could help you... and so on)

If you have insights on my dillema, please share.

Thank you very much


ana luisa

Give your inner self more time

I hope I do not sound repetitive but, unfortunately,you DO have to trust your intuition. To me, at least, "knowing" if the cards are positive or negative comes from a gut feeling, not the cards themselves (to a point that sometimes I read what´s NOT being shown at all!) . To start with, stop doubting your positive approach. It´s what´s working for you, and, besides, what´s wrong with adding some brightness to life? Nothing is ALL bad. Keep practising. From what you´ve said, you are very interested in what´s pictured in the cards. Let the drawing/image guide you then. Check on the details, the predominant color of a specific card; try ( if you feel bold), to "talk" to the character in the card. Is his/her voice sad, happy, worried? The confidence in your reading will come with time. Don´t rush it. You´re on the right track!


thank you ana louisa!

i tried to speak to characters, but sometimes i just don't know, as i said, if it's intuition or wishful thinking.

i found a page on internet that explains how to hear your intuition, it involves some exercises - i will just have to do them

to shut my brains out, to be quiet and let the little voice rise...



Since you are doing a daily draw and this is for your own learning experience the best thing to do is at the beginning of the day write down what you think 10 of Wands means and at the end of the day go back an write down what really happened in your day...
Was it an easy day?
Or did you have to work really hard?
Did someone pile some of their work on you?
Or did you say yes to extra work whan you mant NO?
Or did you miss out on a good opportunity because you were a little lazy..or maybe you weren't feeling good so decided to take it easy and not take on too much.

By going back to the card later you let it tell you what it's needs to say.
As time goes on you will become fluent in your cards language and as soon as that card comes up again you will remember it's past meanings for you and you will intuitivly know what it means for your future day.


And try really rewording things...

Take the 10 of Wands.

Burden? Sure…but what’s the guy gonna build with them when he gets them home?

The 10 of Wands can very well be ‘Supplies’.


Also....since you are beginning to work with the Tarot in this fashion...

draw the cards and then, without thinking of all the different things the card COULD mean....write down what comes to you right after you clean the slate of your mind and open it to what the images in the cards are saying to you.... your intuition...and really look at the cards ....each time I look at the same card, it seems something different comes forward, some element I perhaps never noticed before.

As lark suggested, also, at the end of the day...see how the day connected to what you wrote. I like to do a daily draw the night before and write down what I get before bedtime and then "sleep on it."

Also, maybe one or two is good, two gives you the chance to not have to think of positions and to read the two cards together as a unit of message for the coming day.



Hi lolita-

Whenever I do one of these basic three-card spreads, I find I have to rely heavily on context for meanings - and intuition (sorry ;))


lolita said:
How do you know when a card is telling you you should act like or you shouldn't act like.

Try using aspects, look at the other cards around it, do they seem to support a posative or negative interpretation of the card?

lolita said:
If i get, let say, 10 of wands (RW), i don't know if it means don't burden yourself with to much work, or if it's saying, maybe you should work hard.

Perhaps it means; You should work hard, but work efficiently, do not create a burden by taking on too much nor working in an ineffiecient mode.

lolita said:
I know you are going to tell me to trust my intuition, but i'm still in a phase, where i don't know wheter it's my intuition or wishfull thinking.

Congratulations Lolita, many 'experienced' people cant seem to tell the difference about this, I think you have a stable approach. How does one tell the difference? It's easy in retrospect. Try some expereiments, see how the intuition feels, then examine the results, try to observe the difference in feeling when you are right or wrong, however whishfull thinking may actually help the manifestation ...
lolita said:
As i said i don't do reversals, and i'm always trying to find positive in a card. Is that ok?

so it is a good idea to always look for a posative.