Rainring Masterclass 5 set 7 card 56: Expression


56. Expression: group – will (2 red)
The Image

The image is a close-up of a man of middle years with a moustache and goatee beard. He wears a red woollen cap decorated with white designs and a green tunic with a white band at the neck. He is holding up his left hand, the fingers of which are in very expressive positions, perhaps because he is responding to music. The trunk of a tree can just be seen to his left, and its bare branches overhead seem almost to mimic the movement of his fingers. He wears an expression of calm concentration.

The meaning

Expression: The urge to make our mark upon life, just as it makes its own upon us; the impulse to press out upon the world by creative acts

A General

Creative expression has come to seem like the preserve of a select few. Yet impression and expression are as central to human existence as inspiration and expiration – and one without the other is unthinkable. Just as impression belongs at the spirit pole, so expression is at the other pole, the Will, making emotion an integral part of expression. The literal meaning is to press out, and expression seems to be the product of what feels like an imperative inner need to externalise something of oneself.

B specific

Your journey of expression begins with gifts from the Unconscious. You may even have times of feeling absolutely compelled to bring out something that is running through your inner being like molten lava. Rather as the mother must push the baby into the world, so as the artist you must sometimes push your inner vision into the light of day. This intense process may cause you to have a domineering attitude – it sweeps all before it. Also, it means connecting to physical elements – whether the materials you use, the information obtained from your senses, the contact with objects, events and people which may be part of this process of birthing your vision. Indeed, this card signifies passion in relationship – that place where you are neither in control nor abandon, because it is the fine balance between the two which fits your purposes as an artist.

Perhaps you cannot avoid a sense of inflation, for it is a fact that you are a conduit from the immensity beyond to the level of the everyday world. Your art, if it truly has this beyond in it, causes you to shine. In fact, more than that, it represents a rite of passage from which you will emerge spiritually enriched. For this reason, what will oppose Expression is any anxiety felt about such movement, personal growth.

To sum up, Expression, or art as we tend to call its production, has some of the qualities of youth: exuberance, enthusiasm and usually, on some level, optimism. It belongs to the new: challenging the established order, too captivated by the intoxication which accompanies it to worry overmuch about what consequences it may have, what reactions it may set off, in the wider society.Note that a further meaning of Expression is also possible, namely that of saying what you feel, in the sense of not repressing it. No artistic reference need be involved in this case.

Divinatory meanings

creative work, self-expression, saying what you feel, passion, dedication, intoxication, radiance, inflated feelings of self-worth, journey of the soul, exuberance, naivety, infectious enthusiasm, challenge to established values.