Rainring Masterclass General Introduction


This series of ‘lessons’ is intended to provide some kind of background, back-up and support to people attempting to get to grips with Rainring for the first time. It will deal with the version of the cards found on the web, not those available in hard copy, which are more complex.

I’d like to begin by appealing to users of the cards for feedback about what I’ll be writing here. I’ve never learnt the cards. This means that I have a fundamental disadvantage in writing about them: like those people who can’t answer your questions about the grammar of their language: they don’t know what the rules are - they’ve never learnt the language, they only speak it! My partner Hacina has learnt the cards (NOT under duress from me, I want to say straight away), and this has helped me a lot. On the other hand, she has always had access to me. The situation faced by someone out there who is attempting to master this world of Rainring with no help other than an instruction book is very different. This course of study is intended for such people. Hacina will give her input on the content as we go along, but you guys out there are the ones who can really help, by your comments and queries, move forward this process of shedding light on Rainring. [These classes are very much a work in progress, and this early version will be modified in the light of feedback received.]

One final caveat: I must try and present this in bite-sized chunks. I will sometimes touch on a topic and deal with only one part of it. Each time I lay down some ‘because’s, you will probably have a swarm of unanswered ‘Why’s flying around in your mind. Please bear with me if I go slowly and methodically – I want to try and make all this as accessible as possible.