re-occuring knight of cups


i keep getting this card and it is about an invitation, proposition and offer of love, yada yada - a guy who has many women, a player,etc.

what is it trying to tell me?

i pulled just the knigh out and said what are you trying to tell me!?? i got the 10 of cups - happiness, family, joy peace

still am completely baffled....

any thoughts?


Maybe someone is expressing delight, or joy, or good fortune. Someone else might say its a marriage proposal? Maybe someone has a drinking problem are will offer you a drink? Maybe someone is going to get drunk? Laugh, it could mean anything.


Are you searching for something that speaks to your soul? Searching for that sense of belonging, of community?

This Knight is often called the Grail Knight because of the cup he holds.

Perhaps he is asking you to define what it is you are questing for, what is YOUR grail?


.traveller. said:
Perhaps he is asking you to define what it is you are questing for, what is YOUR grail?
I like this interpretation. I think .traveller is on the right track. Perhaps the Knight/Cups isn't someone outside of your life, but you. And perhaps the 10/Cups is what you are or should be seeking? Or are seeking--remember, cups is about psychic ability, and you are, well, "tryingtoreadtarot." :D


What position does it usually fall in when you do a spread? I have also getting the Knight of Cups as a recurring card, but it is always in a position of "the other" or "the other's near future actions" or "the other's desires/needs" or "outcome"... In those positions, I read it as *possible* offer or proposition coming my way, definitely someone demonstrating feelings, but still at an immature level... But if it were showing up in different positions in the spread than that, then I would read it differently.

Perhaps if it is still confusing you, you need to ask it more specific questions than just "clarify yourself please!" Tarot can be very literal, so 10 of cups and Knight of Cups may only be similar in meaning due to the way you asked? Sometimes I ask a reappearing card to tell me: what it means, and what will help, then what it does not mean and what will not help, and what is causing it to manifest at this time.

Otherwise, maybe it represents you at this time, on a quest for love? I think Thirteen and .traveller. make a very good point-- it might be you looking for that 10 of cups.


When you find true love then you will find happiness and joy, it is up to you.