Reaching your goals spread


I believe most things are possible for most people - it's just that sometimes there'd need to be too much sacrificed. Often people aren't fully aware of their motivation - why they want something - and this may lead to bad decisions that won't get them closer to what they'd want. I've found this to be surprisingly vertasile and it provides relevant information to many areas in life.

4 - - - 7

3 - 1 - 6 - 2
- - - - - - 12
5 - - - 8 - 11
- - 9 - - - 10 - 13

1 is the position now, the attitude, the feelings etc
2 is the goal as it looks in the mind

3,4,5 describe the motivation behind actions. 3 is what you're aware of, 4 is external influence you may be not aware of and 5 is internal, subconscious stuff.

6,7,8 describe the obstacles you're facing. Again, 6 is what you're aware of, 7 is external influence you may be not aware of and 7 is internal, subconscious stuff.

9 is the attitude and mindset you need to adopt to reach your goal

10,11,12 describe a sequence of actions/changes you can then take

13 is what you need to leave behind if you want to achieve the goal.


Hi great spread,
Just out of interest what sort of questions would you ask when laying out this spread?


Thankyou just did this and it gave alot of clarity.


Hi great spread,
Just out of interest what sort of questions would you ask when laying out this spread?

I tried it on anything from finishing school to finding love. I often do it on things I'm not sure I want to pursue to see if it is worth it


This spread looks excellent. I look forward to trying it! Thanks for posting.