Reading an "Outcome" card


Hi again everybody,

I'm still having a problem interpreting Court cards in outcome positions, for instance yesterday, I was reading for a friend, I was doing my favorite new spread the Sword of Truth, which is basically a 7 card spread with each position posing a question, the first 6 cards that I turned over were no problem to decipher at all, the 7th and last card which is "The Guidance of the cards" I turned over the King of Wands, I went blank and didnt know how to decipher this King being the outcome or Guidance. the only advise I could offer to my querient was, a blonde haired Impulsive/forceful type and I know she wanted to to offer more advise or guidance but I was stumped
Looking forward to your advise, Thank You in advance !


Court cards as outcomes has been discussed previously in various threads. Here's one to look at for some extra help-

They are usually indicative of a way of being for the individual being read for or a person coming that will act in the way of the portrayed card. Some pull an extra card for clarification when receiving a court as an outcome. If you would like specific knowledge on a designated Court post in "your readings" to try and obtain help. :)



Sometimes, when a court comes up for me (especially in a position calling for "guidance of the cards", it means that the querent may need to act more like the attributes of that card (in the case of the King of Wands--maybe more energetic and forceful in achieving his goal, for example.)


starrystarrynight said:
Sometimes, when a court comes up for me (especially in a position calling for "guidance of the cards", it means that the querent may need to act more like the attributes of that card (in the case of the King of Wands--maybe more energetic and forceful in achieving his goal, for example.)
I would also interprete a Court in a guiding position as attitudes/qualites the querent might consider implementing. King himself embodies certain qualities and responsibilities, i mean he is the supreme royalty after all ;) King of wands has powerful will, he is a natural-born leader and he is (most probably) oriented towards long-term goals. He is socially commited, mature and at the same time probably somewhat intolerant towards other people's weakness.
( I did re-read Rachel Pollac's "Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom" recently ;) )
Hope this helps.