reading give-aways


I have given away stones to sitters after readings. I was curiously what others have used for give-aways after readings.


Angel Cards

I have given the client an Angel Card which has a message on it.
They pick one out of the deck, I put it in an envelope and they
read it when they get home. :)

Any deck with a message on it would work. You can also put a
card in an envelope and let them take their choice.

(can't remember the deck but it's smaller cards, the backs are
dark and has a shiny golden angel on it)


I have given away stones to sitters after readings. I was curiously what others have used for give-aways after readings.

Business cards. Stones also. (At the moment I have a velvet bag full of dozens of different stones, and I get the client to draw one blind, lucky-dip style). A hug. Sometimes, a business card with the offer of a half-price reading hand-written on the back, if they have mentioned someone who'd love a reading but couldn't afford it. Impromptu Tarot lessons on the spot. Hugs, occasionally (I'm not a big hugger, but sometimes someone really needs it).

I don't advertise any giveaways. If you do, people expect them as a right and are not grateful for them. If they appear to be spontaneous (even if they are routine, like my lucky-dip), people are much happier and more grateful, and leave feeling special. Which is exactly how they should leave.


Stones a few times here too. I keep a small bag of tumble-polished hematites in my tote bag. I give them out to clients occasionally when I feel they need a little help transmuting and releasing stresses. I really like the idea of a bag of different types of stones though ...


I used to give away polished stones, but now I almost exclusively give away the little glass good luck stones that I make.

Each one is like a mini-reading...and it can be used as a good luck talisman.

It's a great way to end the reading....but also a great way to get readings during events where people may be apprehensive.

The free good luck is often a good ice-breaker.