Reading when you're depressed.


I've been working very hard at preparing to go professional. I've been working on my website, doing readings, honing up on my metaphysics that I've been away from for so long.

But one of the things that concerns me about depending upon tarot for my livelihood is how to handle things if we are experiencing personal problems.

I've been so depressed lately. In July I was misdiagnosed with a rare disease, put on steroids, which now they find I never needed, but it really screwed my body up, in a lot of ways, and has possibly caused the disease it was suppose to treat, but I never had. It will take weeks to get off of this crap and even *begin* to evaluate if my body will be able to function without them.

I suffer from chronic pain. I hate where I live (we're here for a good reason, believe me, but it could take another 3 years to get out,) I hate one of my jobs, but it's my primary source of income, and now there's a possibility I may lose it, and it's like all of this crap is descending on me at once. I've just been walking around, lately, with that feeling behind my eyes, just tired of dealing with it all.

How do you guys deal with this? When things go wrong, how do you set all of it aside and get into a place serene enough to do effective readings for people when you absolutely have to?

Thanks for any input and insight you can give.


I've been on steroids for almost 20 years at varying doses from 60mg for long terms to smaller doses to the 5mg a day I'm on for good now. Coming off of prednisone is difficult and you do sometimes suffer from depression with prednisone. It will get better, though. And even though I've been on them for so long, I always come off of them alright with my body taking over, so I think that will be alright for you, too. The side effects from prednisone go away once you've discontinued the drug. A lot of the weight gain is water and you'll be surprised at how much you'll slim down once you're off of it.

I just wanted to let you know that you should be comforted if you're overly worried about these things. And to also let you know that that sense of doom is probably largely from the prednisone. Prednisone causes everything to be blown out of proportion emotionally sometimes so that ordinary things seem extraordinarily bad and extraordinarily important when they're not really.

Hang in there. I know it's not easy to go through, but if you're coming off of the drug, then soon you'll be back to your normal self again.


Thank you, Solitaire.

I hope you're right about the weight. I gained 20 lbs in two months when I went on this crap, and have felt horrible ever since. I was at an ideal weight and always worked really hard to keep it there. I can't even get into any of my clothes right now.

The upside is that yesterday I ended up doing two animal communications for someone. I traded readings with someone, and she wanted me to talk to her cat, and talk to a goose at a nearby park. I'm actually pretty out of practice at AC, but even in the space that I'm in, I was able to center, and, I think, to connect pretty well. Certainly with the goose. He was fun.

So, at least I know that when I need to, I can.



Hi Caat,
Just so you have another opinion - i agree completely with solitaire....I have had a serious back condition that evenutally required me to have spinal fusion but prior to that I was on prednisone - a bad drug!!!! Oh it makes you feel good for the moment but then you crash and burn and with me the depression lasted for a week or two! BAD! I knew it was coming but still it was Bad. don't stress - this is but a mere moemnt in time. a blip in the radar It will be over before you know it and thank the universe that it wasn't anything more than it was

It's all good - it always is even if you can't see it!

much :love: to you!!!