Reading with incomplete decks?


I've just purchased the New Mythic Tarot and am keen to start reading with it/ studying it... but! it came with an extra 8 of Swords and was missing a 10 of Swords (I've posted on the Lost and Found thread :) ). So I was just interested to know, would you read with a deck if it had a missing card, or would you wait for a replacement card?


I had that happen with a different deck put out by a different publisher. I emailed the publisher, and they were very happy to post me the missing card. I got to keep the duplicate, too, so that I had something to contribute to this creation.

Perhaps you can trace the publisher of the deck and email them? Rave about how much you love it and how disappointed you are, and about how much you love it. Load on the compliments.

That being said, I'd read with it, no problem at all.


I'd probably, if i were unable to get a replacement card, mark one of the duplicates as a 10 with pen or something, then read away.


I don't think I would, and probably because I'd feel like I was, well, one card short of a full deck working with an incomplete deck. :grin: That's just me, though. In the back of my mind I know that just knowing my deck wasn't "as it should be" would drive me batty.


definitely contact the seller for a replacement deck or call the publisher for a replacement card. This happens quite often with decks, always check them for completeness before you start using them.

Green Horse

Only just counted my deck (had it for 2 months) and found a card missing. I know I've never had it because its picture in the LWB (or BWB for this one) is totally unfamiliar for me. Will try and contact the deck provider and see what happens.


yes, contact publisher. Most times they are happy to send you the missing card.
As for whether I'd read with it, probably not. I'm funny about that kind of stuff, the deck would feel defective to me.


if it were an out of print deck that were extremely hard to find and no one here could spare a replacement card from an extra deck (understandable), I would do what Cassandra022 suggested and create a replacement that consisted of the title of the missing card.

I would make it either using the title card or out of paper that I would laminate. It wouldn't matter if it didn't blend in to the other cards either visually by card backs or in tactile fashion; I would circumvent that problem by counting out the cards for readings so I can't subconsciously avoid (or choose) the "special" card. I already do that with two cards that are conspicuous for different reasons in my favorite deck, which also happens to be self-published and expensive-to-replace.

I wouldn't be happy about having to do all these things, but I those are the breaks when you're working with something that is either not out in the market or is far too costly on that market to be able to replace the whole deck. I would still use the deck if it were one that I liked very much, and be grateful I had found a way to use it.