Reading with the Symbolon Deck


I don't have this one yet, but its been calling to me lately because I feel it would easy to read with because the cards are so illustrated.

What have your reading experiences been like with this deck?



I've had this deck for a couple of years now. I'm not using it so much lately,'s still mine! :)

I really love the artwork and it does speak to me pretty well (even without the big LWB) as there's so much going on in the cards.

Mine likes to play with me sometimes though. :) I don't remember the whole story now (as it was quite a while ago) but one of the first readings I did with it it kept giving me "bad" outcomes. When I finally said something like "ok what's going on?" I got the card with the little spoiled boy running from his nanny. LOL

I haven't heard of anyone else having this type of experience with the Symbolon, but mine does tend to play with me every once in a while. :D


remember though

before you get the deck, know it isn't a tarot so the meanings you use in other tarot decks won't apply to it.
if used inuitively in a spread there is that possibility,

the symbolon despite having 78 cards is an astrology oracle deck as the meanings come from astrological combos and archetypes based on those combos.

there is the symbolon subscriber archives forum to help you should you get that deck. :O)


Yes, I've looked at some of the older posts on the Symbolon. I'm hoping get and use this deck just for the picutures and not the astrological function. I'm always looking for a straight intuitive deck.

For me that means not using my memorized tarot interps, but just reading what I see in the pictures and creating a story from the spread.

If I do get this one, I'm hoping not to even read the accompanying book and just use my own interps of the images.


i think the symbolon is one of the most accurate oracles that i have ever found. in fact, it came up with truths about me that actually frightened me with their accuracy. after that, i put the deck aside b/c it felt too painful to face anymore. what i did was use the astrological connections of the cards to my astro chart. i've thought about checking out the astrology charts of family and friends but i haven't gotten up the nerve yet. i'm not certain i want to find out what the cards might have to say about them.

believe i'm not superstitious or easily frightened by divinaiton. i've read tarot 28 years and it's never gotten to me like the symbolon.

the symbolon isn't an easy system to use but if you put the time into it, i guarantee you'll find them effective. not only that but the cards are beautiful.