Relationship spread


hello all I have tried a relationship spread I found on this forum. I am still a novice so I would appreciate any opinions. The guy in the question let's say mr X is someone from my past. We split up and he got into a relationship which wasn't working. He still contacted me every so often. Now he has recently split up but has been keeping his distance . His texts have been simple . I did this spread to help me get some clarity and learn more how to understand the cards.

So here we go. Q. Relationship in general. 6 cups. Reunion , fond memories of the past. Maybe a chance to get back together ?

Q2. How does mr X feel about me. Ace of cups. Overflowing with emotions.

Q3. What type of relationship does X want with me ? The world. A relationship where two complete each other .

Q4. Why hasn't X started a relationship with me ? The fool. ( because he is a fool ahahah)
Maybe he is still being cautious to take the leap forward ( consider has just recently ended a relationship?)

Q5. According to X what would be the perfect situation to have a Relationship? 3 swords

Bit tricky her am confused (help pls ) could it be he wants to make sure not to get hurt waiting for time and all to calm down from previous hurts ?

Q6. What is X doing in order to prepare for a relationship with me ? 8 swords
He is trying to figure his way. Isolating himself until he feels he can see a way forward??

Q7. Until X is ready to enter a relationship with me how should I continue treating him ? Hanged man
I must stay still and observe

Q8. What is the advice for me concerning X ? 10 wands. Here I need opinions. Should I not give up almost there ? Or should I stop trying too hard ?

Q9. What can I expect this week from X on his intentions/possible actions concerning me ?

King wands

He shall step up and act

What do you think of my interpretation?
Thank u in advance


Q. Relationship in general. 6 cups. Reunion , fond memories of the past. Maybe a chance to get back together ?

Q2. How does mr X feel about me. Ace of cups. Overflowing with emotions.

Q3. What type of relationship does X want with me ? The world. A relationship where two complete each other .

Q4. Why hasn't X started a relationship with me ? The fool. ( because he is a fool ahahah)
Maybe he is still being cautious to take the leap forward ( consider has just recently ended a relationship?)

Q5. According to X what would be the perfect situation to have a Relationship? 3 swords

Bit tricky her am confused (help pls ) could it be he wants to make sure not to get hurt waiting for time and all to calm down from previous hurts ?

Q6. What is X doing in order to prepare for a relationship with me ? 8 swords
He is trying to figure his way. Isolating himself until he feels he can see a way forward??

Q7. Until X is ready to enter a relationship with me how should I continue treating him ? Hanged man
I must stay still and observe

Q8. What is the advice for me concerning X ? 10 wands. Here I need opinions. Should I not give up almost there ? Or should I stop trying too hard ?

Q9. What can I expect this week from X on his intentions/possible actions concerning me ?

King wands

He shall step up and act

Just commenting on some of the cards :)

6 of cups: you seem to have a connection with your ex that is somehow connected to your inner child. I always find the 6 of cups quite an innocent energy.

The Fool: He doesn't want to be committed to anyone at the moment

3 of swords: As the most perfect situation for a relationship I would see the 3 of swords as everything out in the open, truthfulness and clear communication

Hanged Man: dont act, stay still and review everything. This is a time for patience and seeing the connection you have with him in a different light.

10 of wands: This is a card off getting or being overburdened. So whatever you do towards him (hanged man already advices not too) make sure he pulls in his weight as well

King of Wands: He will act whenever it suits him


Q. Relationship in general. 6 cups. Reunion , fond memories of the past. Maybe a chance to get back together?

I don't see this as an indication of getting back together. It's more a fond memories card, I think.

Q2. How does mr X feel about me. Ace of cups. Overflowing with emotions.

The Aces are cards of potential. So in this position, I'd say there's potential of fond feelings but nothing specific right now. He's probably still trying to recover his equilibrium about the current ex.

Q3. What type of relationship does X want with me ? The world. A relationship where two complete each other .

I see a problem here with the question asked. You're presuming he does want a relationship with you when in actuality, his keeping his distance from you now that he's broken up with his current ex shows me that he's not interested in starting something with anyone else yet. This card says he's a world away from being ready to think about another relationship.

Q4. Why hasn't X started a relationship with me ? The fool. ( because he is a fool ahahah)
Maybe he is still being cautious to take the leap forward ( consider has just recently ended a relationship?)

There's an old saying "once burned, twice shy" and that might apply here. He's not in the head space required for starting a new relationship.

Q5. According to X what would be the perfect situation to have a Relationship? 3 swords
Bit tricky her am confused (help pls ) could it be he wants to make sure not to get hurt waiting for time and all to calm down from previous hurts ?

This indicates, in my opinion, that he's still very hurt from his last relationship and allowing him space to recover is what you should do. Recognize he's still healing and give him time to come around on his own volition.

Q6. What is X doing in order to prepare for a relationship with me ? 8 swords
He is trying to figure his way. Isolating himself until he feels he can see a way forward??

Again, you're presuming he even wants to enter a relationship with you. He may not or he may reconcile with his current love. It's a time when he's just all tied up with his ex and healing or moving forward. It's not a time when he's able to deal with anything else relationship-wise.

Q7. Until X is ready to enter a relationship with me how should I continue treating him ? Hanged man
I must stay still and observe

Sacrifice your own wants and needs and just give him time and space to heal. Think of what he's going through right now and put your own hopes and desires on hold.

Q8. What is the advice for me concerning X ? 10 wands. Here I need opinions. Should I not give up almost there ? Or should I stop trying too hard ?

Stop trying so hard. Respect his needs and don't over-burden him with your own wants and desires.

Q9. What can I expect this week from X on his intentions/possible actions concerning me ?

King wands

He shall step up and act

On this card I drew a blank, so I'll just not comment. :)


the reason I keep assuming he would consider a relationship with me is because for two years he has popped in and out my life showing me that somehow he wanted me but always made it seem that he couldn't because of her. Now that she is out of his life he is quiet. Now from your opinions I see why. Thank you