repetitive cards


Yesterday, after reading through the posts on this forum, i was compelled to bring out the faeries from their bag. And I was blown away, completely. I asked them if they had anything to tell me, and out came the Fee Lion. He told me to get on with it and revise. So I did.

Then again today, i got them out to play. And out came the Fee Lion again! This time he was a bit more insistent :p
Asking if they had anymore advice for me, I drew the Piper. I was unsure what to make of him at that time, so I propped up his card next to the Fee Lion, and started revising.

(for the next part, i am not just trying to vent, or tell the world about my life :p but i think it will help to explain what I am saying)

About an hour ago my b/f came online to chat. It all got a bit heated, and he ended up telling me to grow up and give up tarot because it is escapism. Then he asked me if I have met my soulmate. I answered yes, because I have, and he suddenly said that he had to go. I probably shouldnt have said yes, but there are somethings that I cant lie about :S

So, he went offline, and I turned back to the faeries. Asking for advice, I again drew the Piper. And suddenly his message was very clear. Do what you have to do, and make yourself happy. So I have. I dumped my b/f. I knew it wasn't going well with him, and the Piper helped me to realise what I needed to do.

What this post was actually meant to be saying was how I got both the Fee Lion and the Piper twice, without drawing any other cards, until I got their message :p But it kinda turned into an account of the last hour of my life :p

I was really wondering if any of you had had an experience like that.



hmmm I drew the Singer of Healing last night and then again today...

So thats the Fee Lion twice, the Piper twice and the Singer of Healing twice, with no other cards inbetween :S

They are definately persistant :D



Ah, you know LadyofDreams, i think it's a very common experience. I can say that, usually when a card or a message (if you ask the same question again, another card with a similar meaning, or that shows the 'message' in a clearer way, may show up as if telling you to PAY ATTENTION!) shows up many times, it's because you already have the answer (or part of it) in your subconscious.
For instance, some days ago i was obsessing way too much over something that...wasn't very good, and the cards (Lenormand, not Tarot) kept telling me the same thing. But i was so crazy i thought they were saying that what i didn't want to happen was going to happen no matter what i did! Actually, the cards were just showing i couldn't take this out of my mind - not matter what i got, i'd always read the same thing. :p

The funny thing is that you feel like screaming at the oracles 'say something different :mad:', but i say the cards know better...

Good you did something that was better for you. I see your bf wasn't very open-minded, if he saw your practices as escapism. My bf doesn't believe in tarot as well, and he's ateist (while i am wicca), but thankfully he respects me and keeps his opinion to himself. I must say he get a bit curious about all of this, even if he doesn't believe ;)




LadyofDreams said:
Yesterday, after reading through the posts on this forum, i was compelled to bring out the faeries from their bag. And I was blown away, completely. I asked them if they had anything to tell me, and out came the Fee Lion. He told me to get on with it and revise. So I did.

Then again today, i got them out to play. And out came the Fee Lion again! This time he was a bit more insistent :p
Asking if they had anymore advice for me, I drew the Piper. I was unsure what to make of him at that time, so I propped up his card next to the Fee Lion, and started revising.

(for the next part, i am not just trying to vent, or tell the world about my life :p but i think it will help to explain what I am saying)

About an hour ago my b/f came online to chat. It all got a bit heated, and he ended up telling me to grow up and give up tarot because it is escapism. Then he asked me if I have met my soulmate. I answered yes, because I have, and he suddenly said that he had to go. I probably shouldnt have said yes, but there are somethings that I cant lie about :S

So, he went offline, and I turned back to the faeries. Asking for advice, I again drew the Piper. And suddenly his message was very clear. Do what you have to do, and make yourself happy. So I have. I dumped my b/f. I knew it wasn't going well with him, and the Piper helped me to realise what I needed to do.

What this post was actually meant to be saying was how I got both the Fee Lion and the Piper twice, without drawing any other cards, until I got their message :p But it kinda turned into an account of the last hour of my life :p

I was really wondering if any of you had had an experience like that.


As far as I'm concerned, you can vent here if you need to.

And your boyfriend's reaction to Tarot shows disrespect of something important to you. That is important. He has the right to his own feelings. We all have our own feelings even when they are based in ignorance of the topic.

But no one gives him the right to express his feelings the way he did. He could have chosen to keep them to himself or decided you are different in this area and accepted it. My boyfriend and I are in the latter path. Basically he doesn't think much of Tarot, but he thinks a lot of me and knows I have the right to follow my path. We just don't talk about it, easier that way.

He did NOT have the right to tell you to grow up, and treat something that means a lot to you as unimportant. In that way he is treating you as if you are unimportant. And that kind of behaviour has no place in a loving relationship.

One more thing and I'm done. It is much more mature to accept that in life people will have different needs and opinions than you do and that they have just as much right to follow where their life path leads them as you do. His trying to bully you into seeing and doing things his way is a real sign of imaturity on his part.

I think he is the one who needs to grow up a bit.

Hope I am not telling you things you do not want to hear but I really see it that way. Treating you that way is a warning sign, and immature,


PS, I've had this a lot too with this deck, when card come up with no question asked that are profound. Actually, I have never had anything come up with this deck that was not profound.


alternative comprehensions

To answer your question, yes, the fae are very insistent on giving you the same message, over and over, until you "get it" and do something about it.

Just some alternative ways to look at these two cards that have come up...The fee already made your decision of what you want to achieve, but your not following through with executing the decision. My guess here is, recently, you did some soul searchign about your boyfriend, and decided that it was time to end things, but doubted your decision to do this. However this came about, you internally decided that he isn't what you want/need in a lover/companion, but you resisted executing this decision (breaking up with him) for a little while, and this one thing, was holding you back from achieving your other goals, b/c you weren't taking care of your first responsibility, and that is you, your life, your internal self.

The piper plays his beautiful hypnotizing music, that draws us in closer and closer, and leads us deeply into a path, his path. There are two things at "play" here, 1. something is heavily seducing your mind, tempting you in overly self indulging yourself. 2. Your currently being guided by another "entity" (wether it be spirit, a person, an energy, etc), seduced by this guide, but guided none the less, leading you into your life path, guiding you slowly, methodically through doors that you didn't know existed, gently, slowly, methodically...can you hear his music? This most likely is a path that you've already chosen, or at least, the goal you want to achieve...but something else is helping you further your way down this path as you somehow got "stuck" along the way. Now your being guided.

So the two cards together (imho) means that, you need to first take care of you, and once you do that, you'll see the path unveiled before you. I can't help but to think of the words "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear".

Just my two cents hon. Sounds like a wonderful reading, and I'm glad you listened to your heart and your mind, (as well as your fae).

Always take good care of you!


singer of healing

I believe that my first guesses in my previous post were correct then. You've executed your decision to leave your boyfriend, maybe since then, you've done a few other things to better your life. But the important key root of all of this is (and it's what the fee lion was trying to tell you), that you NEED to take GOOD care of YOU. You are ignoring your needs, wants, desires. No wonder the piped piper is leading you into a little self indulgence along with guiding you along your life path. Take this opportunity to spoil yourself a little bit, and let your self heal from the havoic that's been playing in your life. Heal heal heal, and the only way to do that is by nourishing what your soul and internal mind needs. If you don't know what those needs are for yourself, then now is a good time to ask your internal self, what you need, what will make you feel better, uplift your spirits, without over indulging? Take time to spend with yourself (this is different then being alone, alone means you long for other company, and feeling "lonely").

Not sure if i'm helping or not, but I certainly hope so. Take good care of you, you especially, sounds like you need it!



Thank you, all of you for your supportive messages. I am definately sure i was doing the right thing now :p


PS: Sagitarian, thank you also for your impressions of the cards, it was very helpful to have another point of view.


The Page of Swords....came up over and over in readings I did for myself and in those others did for me...

Then when we did the big Dream Circle here, Mercenary pulled a card to represent me in the circle...

Page of Swords again.

I held the Page of Swords as a stand-in for who I was and still am with the Tarot....young, quick...sometimes a bit hasty...lots of words (swords-air)

an apprentice...still am with the Tarot....

This card will always hold a special meaning for me...since I started with Tarot at age 61....yet I was a "novice" with it....

The Page definitely speaks to me.

Sometimes when I read live, I pull out another deck at the end when the sitter has a quick question to pose...and very often one of the same cards that came out with the main reading, pops up again...Today that happened...

with the Hermit.
