Request for a Chart reading Tarot in return


Recent events in my life have led me back to Astrology. When I was a bit younger I was quite interested in the subject but the universe saw fit to point me in other directions at the time.

Now I am getting the feeling that it might be time to get back into the subject in a more serious fashion. As such I'd really appreciate any feedback I can get from more experienced AT members on my own chart since I know myself better than anyone. Hopefully I can compare the results of the reading to the chart and get an idea of how people came up with the information they did. I've purchased several books on the subject, but I'd very much like to get a more personal spin on Astrology.

In return I can happily offer detailed Tarot readings commensurate with the level of detail provided by a chart reading. Or several less detailed readings at the discretion of whoever might take up this challenge.

I sincerely hope someone might find this a bit interesting, and it would surely be a nice way to get into the subject for me! Thanks guys :D

Here is a link to my chart:


I'll thrown in free cake and pie!


How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others

Scorpio Rising:

You are very strong-willed and proud, but intensely private and not easy to know well. Behind your quiet exterior lies a great deal
of emotional depth, sensitivity, complexity, and also fierce determination. When you want something you go after it rather quietly but
insistently and wholeheartedly - and you usually get it.

You are not a person who lives lightly or superficially. You want to live passionately and intensely and are not averse to challenge,
danger, or to facing the darker side of life - human pain and struggle. You function well in crisis situations and often seek them out,
for you enjoy the feeling of living at full capacity.

You are very intuitive about other people and especially about their unspoken feelings and hidden motives. You usually have
strong, immediate gut reactions, either positive or negative, which prove to be correct. You approach life very instinctively and are
not always fully conscious of why you feel or act as you do. You also have a very strong affinity with animals - an acute sensitivity
and a nonverbal kind of rapport with them.

In relation to others, you are rather cautious, sometimes even suspicious, until you get to know and trust them - and trust doesn't
come easily to you. When you commit yourself emotionally to someone, be it friend or lover, you are intensely loyal and devoted to
them and you also expect the same kind of unwavering, undying loyalty in return. If you are ever betrayed by someone you care
deeply for, you are capable of hating and retaliating with as much fervor as you once loved. Nothing is done halfway. In fact, you are
intensely involved and often jealously attached to whatever you care about, be it person, idea, or cause. There is definitely a streak of
emotional fanaticism in you.

Because of your natural reserve, others may see you as something of an enigma. You are quite self-protective and often defensive.
You are also very magnetic, especially to members of the opposite sex.

The Inner You: Your Real Motivation

Sun in Cancer:

You have powerful emotional attachments to the past, your family, your childhood, those places you associate with safety and
security and your beginnings. Maintaining a connection with your roots and heritage and keeping family bonds strong are very
important to you. Loyal, devoted, and sentimental, you tend to cling to whatever is dear to you, be it person, familiar place, or
cherished possession.

You are sympathetic, nurturing, supportive, and very sensitive to the emotional needs of other people. You like to be needed, to
care for others, and you often worry about the people you love. You have a very strong need for a sense of belonging and
acceptance, and you center much of your life around your home. You are more concerned about people and their feelings than with
power, achievement, or position in society. Kindness, consideration, and tenderness impress you more than any sort of honor the
world can bestow.

You are primarily emotional and your views are often dominated by your feelings and by your own personal, subjective
experiences, rather than reason, logic, or abstract principles. It is difficult for you to judge situations in a fair, objective manner for
your personal sympathies and loyalties usually enter in. You take things very personally, and sometimes build a wall around yourself
to protect yourself from pain and rejection. You feel rather shy and vulnerable at heart. You also tend to be moody, experiencing
frequent emotional ups and downs. You need to have a place and time in your life to withdraw, introspect, dream, and replenish
yourself; otherwise you become cranky and unhappy with those around you.

You function in an instinctive, nonrational manner and like to immerse yourself in creative activities where you can express your
feelings, imagination, and instincts. You often love to cook, since it can be both creative and a way to nurture and nourish others.
You also have a great affinity for music, because it evokes and communicates feelings that may be difficult or impossible to put into

Your compassion, sensitivity, and imagination are your strong points. Your faults include an inability to release the past and go
forward, clannishness and prejudice, and a tendency to be self-pitying when you meet hardships in life.

Sun in 8th house:

You crave intense experiences and are attracted to aspects of life that are strange, unfathomable, or taboo. You may hide your
interests or inclinations, except from those who know you very intimately. You are rarely content with yourself and your life, and you
have an inner urge to be continually going farther or deeper than you ever have before. You also have a strong interest in social
power and the role that money and economics play in people's lives.

Sun Opposition Moon:

You often feel that you are at cross purposes with yourself, for your conscious intentions and desires conflict with your
subconscious emotional needs and drives. You are pulled in two different directions. You have difficulty satisfying both your need to
be an individual and your need for caring relationships and a sense of belonging. Also, you send out mixed messages so people don't
always know how to respond to you or know what you really want, thus creating confusion or conflict in close relationships.

Mental Interests and Abilities

Mercury in Leo:

You are a person of strong opinions and you express your views energetically and often dramatically. You are an entertaining
speaker and will embellish or exaggerate in order to get your point across. You have an aptitude for story-telling and performing.
Even if your arena is only the classroom or dining room table, you put on a good show. You have an abundance of creative ideas and
do not enjoy a job in which you have no creative input or voice in decision-making. You could be a good politician, spokesperson,
group leader, director, or coach.

Mercury in 9th house:

You have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and wisdom and for an ever broadening understanding of life. You are the
perpetual student and will be involved in higher education, philosophy, or religion. Law, broadcasting, publishing, or the field of
communications are also areas that interest you. World travel and studying other cultures are also strong urges of yours.

Mercury Square Mars:

Argumentative and rather aggressive and critical in discussions, you tend to turn any conversation into a debate, and sometimes a
verbal war. You could be a spokesman for a righteous cause, a lawyer vigorously defending a client, a sharp analyst or critic. You
are a convincing speaker, but are not especially receptive to the ideas and opinions of others. You have a forceful intellect and an
aptitude for mental work.

Mercury Square Saturn:

You have an aptitude for solving difficult mental problems due to your careful, methodical approach, attention to detail, and
tenacity in following a matter through to its conclusion. You have good powers of concentration and enjoy studying and thinking in
solitude. You can get wrapped up entirely in your own thoughts and completely engrossed in some small detail. You are slow and
cautious, but extremely thorough in your work. Conservative and something of a skeptic, you may be narrow-minded or closed to
any idea which has no concrete proof or scientific verification. You prefer dealing with facts rather than abstract speculation. You
may also be distrustful or fearful of anything you cannot understand with your rational mind. You are well-suited to work in research
or any field that requires careful study and thought.

Mercury Trine Uranus:

Independent and free-thinking, you dislike being told what to do and how to do it, and you especially do not like being told how to
think, for you insist on discovering your own truth. You do well in a rather unstructured environment that allows you to make your
own decisions and to respond to the needs of the moment, rather than following a routine, standardized way of doing things. You are
also suited to a fast-paced atmosphere, which you find exciting and stimulating. Your mind functions in an intuitive, nonlinear fashion
and sudden insights and flashes of inspiration often come to you "out of the blue". You have an aptitude for science and new
technologies especially interest you. You also have a penchant for astrology or other esoteric sciences.

Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance

Moon in Capricorn:

Serious and responsible, you try to carry the world on your shoulders and rarely let others know that you need help and support.
You deny or ignore your own emotional needs and feel that others will not accept you if you appear "weak". You are especially
uncomfortable with emotional dependency, and will tell yourself and others (even children) not to be a "baby". You need to accept
that no one is self-sufficient all the time, and to be gentler with your "childish" emotional needs and wants. To others, you may appear
to be rather hard-nosed and tough, with a businesslike attitude toward their personal concerns and feelings. Actually, no one is a
truer friend. Your feelings and loyalties run deep, but you often do not let people know how much you care. You also need to learn
to relax, enjoy yourself, and play sometimes.

Moon in 2nd house:

You are likely to be a great collector of things - a real pack rat in fact - for your belongings give you a sense of security and
continuity with the past, which is important to you. Antiques or things with sentimental value from your past are especially dear to you.

You may also cling rather tightly to both money and possessions, keeping them "in the family" rather than sharing freely with those
outside of your immediate circle.

Moon Sextile Mars:

You are assertive and confront difficulties in a direct, no-nonsense sort of way. You cannot tolerate self-pity or passivity, and you
can be rather brusque with others' emotional problems. "Stop crying and DO something about it" might be your motto.

Venus in Cancer:

Sensitive and sentimental, you are deeply attached to your family, old friends, familiar places, and the past. You are romantic and
tender in love, and the remembrance of birthdays, anniversaries, family rituals, and other days of personal significance is very
important to you. You seek caring, emotional support, and security in love. You like to be needed, to cherish and protect your loved
ones, and you are somewhat possessive of them.

Venus in 9th house:

You are attracted to foreigners, exotic places, traveling, and to people who can expand your horizons, teach you something, or
show you places and worlds you have never experienced before. Sharing a philosophy or ideal with your love partner is important to

Also, you feel a love and kinship for people everywhere, not only with your own family, nationality, or group. Finding similarities
and making links between people from differing backgrounds or with different perspectives is a gift of yours.

Venus Square Pluto:

You experience powerful, compelling emotional and sexual attractions, and you may feel that you have little choice or control over
your desires. You have an intense need for love and may be emotionally greedy or insatiable. Your love life is passionate and often
tumultuous and painful as well. Jealousy, power struggles, or over-possessiveness can become areas of conflict in your relationships.
Positively, you can be unusually creative and bring about beneficial and healing changes in the lives of others, motivated by your
deeply felt love.

Drive and Ambition: How You Achieve Your Goals

Mars in Scorpio:

You are extremely strong-willed and you pursue your goals and desires with passionate dedication and determination. You are
capable of total concentration and tremendous discipline, and you are very difficult to influence or sway once your mind is made up.
When you want something, you can be very one-sided and almost obsessed with it. You are very instinctive and do not always
consciously know why you feel as strongly and deeply as you do.

You also tend to be secretive and unwilling to reveal your aims and intentions, and the intensity of your will and desire may not be
apparent to others at first. However, you are very forceful in a quiet and subtle way. You often manipulate or force your will upon
other people, without being overtly aggressive. You are not interested in confrontation but are a formidable foe if you meet
opposition or aggression from another. You are courageous and have a rather primitive, raw side as well.

Mars in 12th house:

Asserting yourself and being direct and forceful about what you want is very often difficult for you. Though you may have a great
deal of energy and drive, you lack confidence or simply the desire to put yourself and your interests first. Positively you can be very
unselfish, working more on behalf of others rather than for yourself.

You deny your own desires and needs too much, however, and you are likely to secretly become very angry, which will sabotage
your finest efforts.

Mars Conjunct Saturn:

You are very serious about reaching your goals and feel that keeping your nose to the grindstone is the only way to do it. Hard
work, persistent effort, and concentration upon a single objective are the ways you achieve your aims in life. You exercise great
self-control, even self-denial, in order to accomplish what you desire. You meet obstacles stoically and will struggle patiently through
difficult circumstances. You feel that you must rely on yourself alone, that it's all on your shoulders, and you can be a harsh
disciplinarian, expecting far too much from yourself and others. Often you hold yourself back, doubting your own power and ability.
You may feel that you meet great resistance whenever you try to assert yourself or take initiative, and that is very frustrating to you.
However, you have the power of endurance and a dogged determination to overcome all obstacles.

Other Influences

Jupiter in Capricorn:

You have an innate shrewdness, and the ability to develop a clear strategy and follow it carefully in order to reach your goals.
You also have a natural sense of order, structure, and self-discipline. You are likely to excel, both because you are ambitious and
because it is very important to you to do a professional job, no matter what field you are in, or how humble the task.

Jupiter in 2nd house:

Wealth, material well-being, and prosperity are very important to you, and you would never choose a profession that didn't offer
you great promise and opportunity for growth (financial and otherwise).

You are very generous and sometimes careless with money; you don't want to hold on to it, you want to enjoy it and use it to
enrich your life. Whatever you do with your money, you do in a big way - making it, spending it, or blowing it! You may accumulate
elegant, high quality things (art, jewelry, etc).

Jupiter Conjunct Neptune:

You have an unusually expansive, far-reaching outlook on life. At times the everyday routine is far too dull and boring to you, and
you are inclined to travel, daydream, fantasize, or philosophize on a grand scale.

Jupiter Sextile Saturn:

You have the patience and the stamina to realize your visions and bring them down to earth, a fine balance between hard work
and realism, and a positive, hopeful spirit. You grow through following systems and plans, and taking one step at a time. Overnight
success or instant enlightenment is not what you aim for. Your patient, well-balanced approach gives you credibility with many
different types of people, and you are apt to gain an excellent reputation for being able to do big things without overreaching or
becoming pretentious.

Saturn in Scorpio:

You both yearn for, and fear, being emotionally vulnerable with others and experiencing deep emotional intimacy. Trusting others
and letting yourself be known in a deep way doesn't come easily to you, and sexual inhibitions may result from this. You are very
self-protective and may be compulsively secretive. Learning to relinquish control in personal relationships, and to be completely
open, are important tasks for you.

Saturn in 12th house:

You may have nebulous but ever-present guilt and fears that are difficult to pinpoint or eradicate. It's as if you don't trust Life
itself, and are always seeking ways to defend yourself from its dangers and its unknowns. You must learn to overcome your ingrained
habit of discouragement and anxiety, and to see the world more as a friendly place than as a treacherous one.

Uranus in Sagittarius:

You are part of a 7 year group of people who are extremely enterprising and forward-looking. You are optimists and explorers.
Your age group shoots for the stars, figuratively and literally. Space exploration takes on new dimensions as your age group pushes
fervently to the next frontier. There is a buoyant and youthful optimism and enthusiasm in your group, and you have your share of
great discoveries as well as pipe dreams and disillusionment. The discoveries and contributions, however, are many, and more than
compensate for the failures.

Uranus in 1st house:

You are an unconventional and innovative person, and you are seen as a rebel, reformer, or highly unusual in your manners,
appearance, or attitudes. You enjoy being unpredictable, and you do not conform to the standards that other people have set. Above
all, you are an individual, and you do what you please regardless of customs and norms. Your environment and life circumstances
may change frequently and abruptly.

Neptune in Sagittarius:

You are part of a 14 year group of people that are extremely idealistic and farsighted in their dreams. Your age group is very
liberal and expansive in outlook, and consequently churches become much more flexible and more eclectic in their approach during
your life time. Religions that do not adapt to the broad-minded attitude of your age group simply are unable to attract very much
interest and involvement from you.

A great deal of metaphysical musing and speculation is evident in your age group, and there is a very strong interest in all manner
of psychic phenomena, UFO's, prophecy, etc. This interest will open many new doors and insights, but will also often lead to a great
deal of fantasizing and speculation that is taken more seriously than it should be.

Neptune in 2nd house:

You may have a great deal of confusion over money, financial matters, and ownership. Perhaps these things mean very little to
you. Or possibly you simply don't know how to deal with them in a realistic, effective way.

Also, you may make your living through artistic, musical, or highly imaginative endeavors.

Neptune Sextile Pluto:

The entire generation to which you belong has tremendous opportunities for spiritual rebirth and awakening. This will not be
forced upon you or precipitated by unavoidable events, rather it comes from an inner yearning and a natural propensity to seek the

Pluto in Libra:

You are part of a 12 year group of people who are deeply interested in personal relationships. Your age group has a
deeply-rooted yearning to see people relating and communicating with each other effectively and harmoniously. There is little egotism
and a willingness to hear the other person's side of the story and a readiness to compromise and arbitrate different points of view. In
fact, the need for harmonious, peaceful relationships is so strong that there is a tendency to overlook real differences and to focus
only on the similarities in an attempt to bring different parties into harmony with each other.

Interest in psychology and sociology is high in your age group. There is a tremendous heightening of awareness of social skills.
Your age group will experiment with different marriage styles, family relationships, and even business relationships in an attempt to
bring fair treatment and effective communication between people. Interest and appreciation for other cultures is also strong, and your
age group will work hard to preserve and support the cultural heritage of all ethnic groups.

Your strong yearning for equitable and harmonious relationships is also reflected in major advancements in trade agreements, arms
control, and international cooperation that are designed and implemented by your generation. These agreements and policies foster a
much safer and more cooperative environment for all, although there is also a tendency for greedy individuals to take advantage of
the conciliatory atmosphere and twist situations to their own ends.

In short, you are part of a generation of individuals who are deeply interested in other people; you are a humanistic and
humanitarian group. You will struggle and experiment with personal relationships, and forge new models for how people can relate as
friends, family members, and members of nations as well.

Pluto in 12th house:

You have a deep interest in secrets, the underworld or unconscious, and anything hidden and mysterious. Psychoanalysis,
investigating your dreams, and other methods of uncovering secrets are very interesting to you. You may be exceptionally perceptive
intuitively or psychically. Your emotions and subconscious energies are complex, and periodic transformations and personal crises
are sprinkled liberally throughout your lifetime.

Pluto Conjunct Moon/Mercury 0 deg 18 min

It is likely that you are involved in psychology, anthropology, history, or genealogy. You like to look beneath the surface of things,
and you may also have an interest in mystery novels. You can be very successful in any area that requires curiosity and the desire to
uncover secrets.

Neptune Conjunct Moon/Uranus 0 deg 45 min

You are inclined to unusual moods and inspirations. Unusual dreams and a heightened imagination draw you to the arts, music,
religion, and perhaps mysticism. Your high sensitivity can become severely unbalanced from drugs and alcohol, both of which you
should try to avoid.

Uranus Conjunct Mars/Jupiter 0 deg 40 min

You are enthusiastic and optimistic about your plans. Your enthusiasm is infectious and you are able to motivate and inspire others
with your vision and optimism. You are dynamic and energetic. You should utilize your gift of optimism and dynamism to do the
things that are important to you.

Uranus Conjunct Moon/Pluto 1 deg 43 min

Your emotions can remain fairly stable for most of the day and then suddenly erupt without notice. At such times, you can say and do
things that you later regret. Your spontaneous, compulsive feelings can also incline you to unusual creativity and achievements.

Sun-Venus-Uranus 49th Harmonic (49=7x7)

You have a good sense of rhythm, you enjoy a lively party, and you succeed in areas that involve dance or music. You enjoy
freedom and it is difficult for you to dedicate yourself and commit yourself to major responsibilities, so it is best not to marry until you
are completely sure that you have met someone so special that you can dedicate yourself to that person for the rest of your life.

Sun-Uranus-Pluto 62nd Harmonic (62=31x2)

You are a free-spirit and an independent person. You are on a mission to do things in a new, creative way. Before you tear down old
walls, make sure that the new wall you plan to build is really a better one. If you think things through carefully, you truly can break
new ground, open new doors, invent and create something unique.


Thanks so much for the reading! It's very, very accurate as to who I am and how I am making my journey through this particular life.