Resources for Waite's Pictorial Key?


Can anyone point me to a good resource for Waite's Pictorial Key to the Tarot? Either online or book would be fine. I'm looking more for an explication of his prosody, rather than RWS symbolism, e.g. "perhaps by antithesis, but for the same reason, the iron crown of Peter may lie more lightly on the heads of sovereign pontiffs than the crown of gold on kings."


It does't yet exist, but I'm working on it. Over the years there have been some paragraph-by-paragraph discussions of what he's actually saying and his references both here and at (the latter took place many years ago but went in depth into his chapter on Tarot and the Secret Tradition).

You can find some additional Waite material that's of help and a couple of essays by "A Grinder" here:

I have some material on Waite's intentions for the Minors at my blog (not supposed to give a link to one's own site - check my profile).



Mary, I suspected as much, and hope your book isn't too far down the pipeline. Thanks for the links. :)