ROC Dec - Esk and Fortuna


Esk and Fortuna's Thread

1. Please complete all readings and feedbacks by Saturday, December 31, 2016.

2. Please don't leave your partner hanging, check out the Dumping your Partner - Strikes & Exclusions Explained rules.

3. Please PM Fortuna for questions or if you encounter scheduling, partner, or other issues.


December's Suggested Spread:

I think this month's thread is influenced by a lot of things that have happened to me in the last few weeks. Gratefulness, not taking things for granted, and becoming aware of all the wonderful gifts and blessings in each moment of each day have all come to play in my life, in such a big way.

This month, the suggested spread is about the gifts or blessings you have received this year... Whether this year has not been easy or has been your best, there is always a gift or blessing from each experience, good or bad.

Three Gifts This Year by Fortuna

1.........2......... 3
4 (Base/Shadow)

1-3: These cards represents the gifts or blessings you received this year, and you can work with your partner by putting a focus on each of the card. (i.e. 1 could be about love, 2 could be about work, 3 could be about another focus.) You could also get a general reading as well, and let the cards surprise you.

4 (Base/Shadow card - this is the bottom card of the deck): This is something that's holding you back from experiencing or identifying the three gifts that have come into your life this year.


Important Notes:
1. If you would like to do a different spread, please keep it to 3-5 cards, and clear this with your partner beforehand.
2. Readers have final choice of the oracle deck used, but can allow sitter to choose.
3. For partners doing the Intuitive Option: After the oracle reading, please provide your intuitive impressions within the write-up or after in its own section.
4. Please stay in communication with your partner, and PM when you have posted your reading, feedback, or if you are experiencing scheduling issues. Please do not wait until the last minute to post readings and feedbacks.
5. Have fun and let's ROC!


Hi Esk!

It's a pleasure to work with you!

For your reading:
My profile is up to date with all the oracle decks I have. Please feel free to let me know if you want a specific one to be used.

Did you have want a focus for the three cards? If so, please let me know.

For my reading:
Please feel free to use any oracle deck that seems fitting.

For the focus, please use:
1. Work
2. Love
3. General

Looking forward to hearing from you!



Hi Fortuna,
Thank you for starting our thread, i'm glad to ba partner with you this month. :)

For your reading I'll use the wisdom of the oracle. It's the only one I have, so not much choice ;)

For me you can use the deck you want. And for the reading,if it's okay for you, i'd like a general and see what the cards have to say. If you prefer a focus let's say : love, work and professional project, self improvement.


Hi Fortuna,
Thank you for starting our thread, i'm glad to ba partner with you this month. :)

For your reading I'll use the wisdom of the oracle. It's the only one I have, so not much choice ;)

For me you can use the deck you want. And for the reading,if it's okay for you, i'd like a general and see what the cards have to say. If you prefer a focus let's say : love, work and professional project, self improvement.

Thanks, Esk! I can do general for you, if that is what you want--no problem! :). I will PM you when your reading is ready.


Hi Fortuna!

I hope your mum is better.

For your reading I've used the Wisdom of the oracle. I've seen that you own this deck so I won't post a picture unless you prefer to have one.

1. Work : 11 By the book

This card makes me think about team work, or being part of an organization. I think your professional gift this year is having a team and working with them in a good organization to make the company who employs you work well. I even wonder if you are working in a public administration or something that make the social order of your country work. You are a part of this and seem to be proud of this. This is your gift, making something work, whether it be your company, your administration or a social structure. It may not be an extraordinary gift for you this year, but you could be proud to make something you believe in work and put efforts into making your world better by working with others.
Also, there is some kind of chess board at the first plane of the picture, mixed with the sand. It makes me think that this year, you have decided that you don't want to play games, to be on your own and win a battle with tricks. You have decided to follow some rules and to blend in some social customs. It may have given you more success and put you further than if you had decided to be more "rebel" or lone wolf. At least it may have give you some peace and quiet in your life.

Love : 51 Milk and Honey

I rarely have this card when doing readings but I think it's one of the best card of the deck :)

This card is about abundance, so in love, year 2016 has brought you a lot of things to enjoy. It seems you had a very good time with your loved ones and even with a special someone. You have experienced fun, joy,love, brightness, sometimes during great and special events, but more often in day to day life. I think it was a great year for you concerning love, not just romance but all kind of love :).
This card also says that you deserve it. The face in the sky seems to be happy and benevolent while looking at the playful and happy elephant. Enjoy these moments, they happen because you are true to yourself and others.

General : 19 Flexible

This year has also has also given you something that is more about yourself and your behaviour. During this year you had the occasions of being more flexible, to be more open to compromises, or simply to listen more to others and accept that their point of view may be as valid as yours. You have not changed who you are and what you believe in, but you're not as strict as before. You may sometimes accept to change a little your point of view, or your let some people convince you a little. Even if, on some occasions you still think you're right or you want to make your opinion heard, you are less rigid and do this in a smoother way. I'd say in some way you have become wiser and more open to others and news ideas. All of that may have enriched yourself and made your relationships with others easier.

Something else has crossed my mind when looking at this card and it has nothing to do with the traditional meaning but more with the picture, so don't hesitate to tell me if it is a complete nonsense. Could this card relate to your body or to some athletic abilities. If you have been wounded you may have win back your old abilities. Or if you do sports, you may have gone further than before and surpass yourself. If it is about that, you can be proud of you and always trust your body and its abilities.

What's holding you back : 7 To the sea rv

It's interesting that the only reversed card appears in this position. It shows that indeed there must be a blockage that makes the gifts harder to see.
Your 3 gifts are very nice, especially the one about love, but this card shows that maybe your not in the best state of mind to really appreciate them or to understand there really gifts. This card says that maybe you have the feeling things are not working as they should, that you may have not reached what you wanted to reach at the end of this year. Yes, maybe you have not succeed in everything. But this card also means it was not really your fault. Things were simply not in your favor, that's bad but it happens. The good news is this won't last. Like the little fairy on her boat you're stuck in the middle of the sea, but the wind will blow again and push you to your destination. It's just a matter of time. Meanwhile, just relax, you can enjoy what happen in you life on a day to day basis, enjoy being with your loved one, being part of a social structure and enrich you experiences in many ways :).

Thanks for letting me read for you. I hope the reading resonates. If it doesn't don't hesitate to tell me.
Have a nice day.


Reading for Esk

I also used the Wisdom of the Oracle for your reading. This oracle has been my go-to, and always give me wonderful, but no-nonsense readings.

I read intuitively, so I hope you don't mind that I read the cards this way for your reading.

You have a very interesting set of cards that showed up. In some ways, I wonder if the gifts are connected somehow.

Gift #1: Time To Go (45)

The thing that really stick out to me are the path and the doorway that are somewhat blurred by mist. To me, you have decided to walk away from something, and there is an unknown factor to it (the part that is not clear), but I don't sense fear so much, but maybe not so much excitement either. Although there is the unknown, you are still determined to go there--towards that door--wherever it may lead... because it is time.

Gift #2: Truth Be Told (14) ~ Reversed

In the image, there is an upside down mask and there is a window where the owl's chest is and you can see through.

Perhaps this means something that may have been untrue or hidden (upside down mask) had been revealed, and while this may not have been an easy thing, it was something that had to be. There was no other way.

The owl is calm even if most of it was revealed. It may have been you revealing yourself, a secret, or a truth to someone, or you have been given that as a gift by someone.

Truth, to me, is healing--though it may not be that way when it first happens. Another gift is the act of exposure itself--letting the other see vulnerability. Does this make sense?

Gift #3: Round And Round (25) ~ Reversed

I still feel that the cards are all related somehow. And perhaps it is the feeling of going around and around in circles that have made you realize that it is time to break a cycle... after the truth has been exposed, so you could walk towards something better... even if the path isn't yet clear.

Is there something in your life or was there something in your life that that have made you feel like you were trapped in an endless loop, and finally somehow you have seen the "light," and now want to break the cycle?

At first, because the card is upside down that the middle image was that of a fetus. When I turned the card upright, it is someone's face with the inner part of the shell being the forehead of it. Do you do a lot of thinking or overthinking that kind of goes round and round? Doesn't it hurt your head?

Shadow: The Tribe (8)

I think this means that it is/was hard for you to see the gifts clearly because you were too close to the people or situations these gifts pertained too. It is/was hard for you to discern and expand your view to truly see what was before you.

You have/had to step out of the situation or remove yourself from the those that distracted you, to see beyond what is/was and to see beyond your emotions too.

I hope this resonates or make sense. I do hope that the gifts you received are all blessings now to you.

Happy Holidays!


Reading for Esk

I also used the Wisdom of the Oracle for your reading. This oracle has been my go-to, and always give me wonderful, but no-nonsense readings.

I read intuitively, so I hope you don't mind that I read the cards this way for your reading.

You have a very interesting set of cards that showed up. In some ways, I wonder if the gifts are connected somehow.

Gift #1: Time To Go (45)

The thing that really stick out to me are the path and the doorway that are somewhat blurred by mist. To me, you have decided to walk away from something, and there is an unknown factor to it (the part that is not clear), but I don't sense fear so much, but maybe not so much excitement either. Although there is the unknown, you are still determined to go there--towards that door--wherever it may lead... because it is time.

Gift #2: Truth Be Told (14) ~ Reversed

In the image, there is an upside down mask and there is a window where the owl's chest is and you can see through.

Perhaps this means something that may have been untrue or hidden (upside down mask) had been revealed, and while this may not have been an easy thing, it was something that had to be. There was no other way.

The owl is calm even if most of it was revealed. It may have been you revealing yourself, a secret, or a truth to someone, or you have been given that as a gift by someone.

Truth, to me, is healing--though it may not be that way when it first happens. Another gift is the act of exposure itself--letting the other see vulnerability. Does this make sense?

Gift #3: Round And Round (25) ~ Reversed

I still feel that the cards are all related somehow. And perhaps it is the feeling of going around and around in circles that have made you realize that it is time to break a cycle... after the truth has been exposed, so you could walk towards something better... even if the path isn't yet clear.

Is there something in your life or was there something in your life that that have made you feel like you were trapped in an endless loop, and finally somehow you have seen the "light," and now want to break the cycle?

At first, because the card is upside down that the middle image was that of a fetus. When I turned the card upright, it is someone's face with the inner part of the shell being the forehead of it. Do you do a lot of thinking or overthinking that kind of goes round and round? Doesn't it hurt your head?

Shadow: The Tribe (8)

I think this means that it is/was hard for you to see the gifts clearly because you were too close to the people or situations these gifts pertained too. It is/was hard for you to discern and expand your view to truly see what was before you.

You have/had to step out of the situation or remove yourself from the those that distracted you, to see beyond what is/was and to see beyond your emotions too.

I hope this resonates or make sense. I do hope that the gifts you received are all blessings now to you.

Happy Holidays!

You're right to think that the cards are connected, I also think they are and I'm not surprised. Since the second part of 2015 I've experienced a lot of changes in my love and professional life. Maybe also with my friends but to a lesser degree. The first time i read your reading I wondered if it was about love or work, but now I think it's more about some dynamic that occured in my life and has an impact on a lot of things.

1 - this card is really really interesting and spot on. I have decided to give up my former career for a new one. And in love, i've started dating again after many years of celibacy. Unknown is definitely surrounding me in this 2 aspects of my life. And you're right, it is time to move on and to not go back.
Maybe the lack of excitement is because of the unknown, i don't really like that and feel more confortable when everything is familiar and planed.

2 - actually this card is the most difficult to relate to. Maybe i've not yet completelly understood all the changes and gifts that i received this year. And maybe that's why this card is reversed.
It's possible that some things are still untold concerning me and all the areas of my life that have changed. I cannot see everything yet and i don't share all the truth I've learnt about myself and my life to everyone.

3- spot on here. During too many years my life has been going round and round and i was unable to breack this circle. I've begun to do it at the end of 2015 and it was more concrete in 2016. It was and it is still difficult, with a lot of pain and worries. But it is really necessary and i can finally see that I'm moving.

4- it's really interesting and true . I have not really thought about this before but it's possible that i can't see my gifts because of my family and friends, my tribe. I've always considered that their blessings are much more wonderful han mine, that's why I have some difficulties to see all the good that happens in my life, even if the changes and gifts are importants.

Thank you for this very insightful reading. You did very well and It's maybe my last gift for this year :)


Hi Fortuna!

I hope your mum is better.

For your reading I've used the Wisdom of the oracle. I've seen that you own this deck so I won't post a picture unless you prefer to have one.

Thank you again, Esk. I decided to take a break for a few days, and didn't get a chance to write this up.

1. Work : 11 By the book

This card makes me think about team work, or being part of an organization. I think your professional gift this year is having a team and working with them in a good organization to make the company who employs you work well. I even wonder if you are working in a public administration or something that make the social order of your country work. You are a part of this and seem to be proud of this. This is your gift, making something work, whether it be your company, your administration or a social structure. It may not be an extraordinary gift for you this year, but you could be proud to make something you believe in work and put efforts into making your world better by working with others.

Also, there is some kind of chess board at the first plane of the picture, mixed with the sand. It makes me think that this year, you have decided that you don't want to play games, to be on your own and win a battle with tricks. You have decided to follow some rules and to blend in some social customs. It may have given you more success and put you further than if you had decided to be more "rebel" or lone wolf. At least it may have give you some peace and quiet in your life.

I have been so blessed with the team that I am a part of at work. My last team was okay, but my manager was hard to work for. So this team and management are 180 degrees different, and awesome. Because of the better situation, I was able to do better work as well because of the supportive environment. I think the chessboard mixed with sand refers to some changes that are happening. Unfortunately, there will be a lay off coming soon. I think that points to an unsettling unknown and since we won't know yet who will be laid off for a few more weeks, the image of the chessboard with the sand is very spot on to me. Unknown situation and time... and patience is not one of my virtues. LOL.

Love : 51 Milk and Honey

I rarely have this card when doing readings but I think it's one of the best card of the deck :)

This card is about abundance, so in love, year 2016 has brought you a lot of things to enjoy. It seems you had a very good time with your loved ones and even with a special someone. You have experienced fun, joy,love, brightness, sometimes during great and special events, but more often in day to day life. I think it was a great year for you concerning love, not just romance but all kind of love :).
This card also says that you deserve it. The face in the sky seems to be happy and benevolent while looking at the playful and happy elephant. Enjoy these moments, they happen because you are true to yourself and others.

With so many sickness and so many people who have passed on, I couldn't help but realize how important loved ones are. 2016 seemed like a blur to me how fast it is approaching its end. I began to feel that life is indeed short, and I should enjoy the people around me. So to me, there was a lesson in love this year; and eventhough I am single and not seeing anyone, I am being reminded to get out there, to meet new people, make new friends, and maybe meet someone--so I can have more love in my life.

General : 19 Flexible

This year has also has also given you something that is more about yourself and your behaviour. During this year you had the occasions of being more flexible, to be more open to compromises, or simply to listen more to others and accept that their point of view may be as valid as yours. You have not changed who you are and what you believe in, but you're not as strict as before. You may sometimes accept to change a little your point of view, or your let some people convince you a little. Even if, on some occasions you still think you're right or you want to make your opinion heard, you are less rigid and do this in a smoother way. I'd say in some way you have become wiser and more open to others and news ideas. All of that may have enriched yourself and made your relationships with others easier.

Something else has crossed my mind when looking at this card and it has nothing to do with the traditional meaning but more with the picture, so don't hesitate to tell me if it is a complete nonsense. Could this card relate to your body or to some athletic abilities. If you have been wounded you may have win back your old abilities. Or if you do sports, you may have gone further than before and surpass yourself. If it is about that, you can be proud of you and always trust your body and its abilities.

I don't know if it is because I am older and I feel older, or maybe I feel more adult now than ever (LOL), but I did have plently of lessons on being flexible---Although the last few weeks have been stressful, and my mom had to remind me to be "flexible." I can say I am less rigid and I'm better than before at letting little, trivial things and the past go--though I still have a lot of learning and work to do on myself. I remind myself that my way of thinking is also not the same as others, and cement the idea of "live and let live."

My health has gotten better, and I feel that I've gained back some of my mobility. I heal faster too now when I get an exacerbation due to spine related issues. It has been such slow healing (and I am not the most patient of people), so I feel much happier about that.

What's holding you back : 7 To the sea rv

It's interesting that the only reversed card appears in this position. It shows that indeed there must be a blockage that makes the gifts harder to see.
Your 3 gifts are very nice, especially the one about love, but this card shows that maybe your not in the best state of mind to really appreciate them or to understand there really gifts. This card says that maybe you have the feeling things are not working as they should, that you may have not reached what you wanted to reach at the end of this year. Yes, maybe you have not succeed in everything. But this card also means it was not really your fault. Things were simply not in your favor, that's bad but it happens. The good news is this won't last. Like the little fairy on her boat you're stuck in the middle of the sea, but the wind will blow again and push you to your destination. It's just a matter of time. Meanwhile, just relax, you can enjoy what happen in you life on a day to day basis, enjoy being with your loved one, being part of a social structure and enrich you experiences in many ways :).

Thanks for letting me read for you. I hope the reading resonates. If it doesn't don't hesitate to tell me.
Have a nice day.

The end of the year is always hardest for me, because I always introspect about what I have not accomplished. When I get stressed or depressed about this, I stop and ask myself, "What are you supposed to be doing right now?" to stay in the moment and not allow the stress and depression to move too far. I remind myself that there are things that are not under my control, and there is no point in wasting time and energy on them or on feeling bad. But it's an ongoing process, but I am learning to become more automatic about changing my outlook, and not dwelling so much on the not so great stuff. I know I will get to where I need to be. It's just a matter of time and haha, patience!

Thank you for this reading, and I appreciate the insights!



You're right to think that the cards are connected, I also think they are and I'm not surprised. Since the second part of 2015 I've experienced a lot of changes in my love and professional life. Maybe also with my friends but to a lesser degree. The first time i read your reading I wondered if it was about love or work, but now I think it's more about some dynamic that occured in my life and has an impact on a lot of things.

1 - this card is really really interesting and spot on. I have decided to give up my former career for a new one. And in love, i've started dating again after many years of celibacy. Unknown is definitely surrounding me in this 2 aspects of my life. And you're right, it is time to move on and to not go back.
Maybe the lack of excitement is because of the unknown, i don't really like that and feel more confortable when everything is familiar and planed.

2 - actually this card is the most difficult to relate to. Maybe i've not yet completelly understood all the changes and gifts that i received this year. And maybe that's why this card is reversed.
It's possible that some things are still untold concerning me and all the areas of my life that have changed. I cannot see everything yet and i don't share all the truth I've learnt about myself and my life to everyone.

3- spot on here. During too many years my life has been going round and round and i was unable to breack this circle. I've begun to do it at the end of 2015 and it was more concrete in 2016. It was and it is still difficult, with a lot of pain and worries. But it is really necessary and i can finally see that I'm moving.

4- it's really interesting and true . I have not really thought about this before but it's possible that i can't see my gifts because of my family and friends, my tribe. I've always considered that their blessings are much more wonderful han mine, that's why I have some difficulties to see all the good that happens in my life, even if the changes and gifts are importants.

Thank you for this very insightful reading. You did very well and It's maybe my last gift for this year :)

Thank you, Esk, for the feedback. It seems you been through so much, and I hope that 2017 will bring more clarity as things unfold for you.

For The Tribe, maybe the face on the side of the hut refers to not being able to see all the blessings that were there for you.

I think, like worries, that the good things also come in even numbers to all. Even if we are dealing with our own problems--that the problems and happiness we receive have the same weight as what others receive. You are blessed always, just like everyone else. Your blessings are neither smaller or bigger, but the perfect for you. :)

I wish you all the very best, and I hope, indeed, that 2017 will be filled with much more love and joy that 2016 for you.

All my best,


Thank you for your feedback and for your wishes :)
Thank you again, Esk. I decided to take a break for a few days, and didn't get a chance to write this up.

I have been so blessed with the team that I am a part of at work. My last team was okay, but my manager was hard to work for. So this team and management are 180 degrees different, and awesome. Because of the better situation, I was able to do better work as well because of the supportive environment. I think the chessboard mixed with sand refers to some changes that are happening. Unfortunately, there will be a lay off coming soon. I think that points to an unsettling unknown and since we won't know yet who will be laid off for a few more weeks, the image of the chessboard with the sand is very spot on to me. Unknown situation and time... and patience is not one of my virtues. LOL.

I'm sorry you went through many sad things last year. This card can indeed mean that you have realized spending time with your loved ones is very important, and that we should enjoy all of these moments, even the most trivial of them.

With so many sickness and so many people who have passed on, I couldn't help but realize how important loved ones are. 2016 seemed like a blur to me how fast it is approaching its end. I began to feel that life is indeed short, and I should enjoy the people around me. So to me, there was a lesson in love this year; and eventhough I am single and not seeing anyone, I am being reminded to get out there, to meet new people, make new friends, and maybe meet someone--so I can have more love in my life.

I don't know if it is because I am older and I feel older, or maybe I feel more adult now than ever (LOL), but I did have plently of lessons on being flexible---Although the last few weeks have been stressful, and my mom had to remind me to be "flexible." I can say I am less rigid and I'm better than before at letting little, trivial things and the past go--though I still have a lot of learning and work to do on myself. I remind myself that my way of thinking is also not the same as others, and cement the idea of "live and let live."

My health has gotten better, and I feel that I've gained back some of my mobility. I heal faster too now when I get an exacerbation due to spine related issues. It has been such slow healing (and I am not the most patient of people), so I feel much happier about that.

The end of the year is always hardest for me, because I always introspect about what I have not accomplished. When I get stressed or depressed about this, I stop and ask myself, "What are you supposed to be doing right now?" to stay in the moment and not allow the stress and depression to move too far. I remind myself that there are things that are not under my control, and there is no point in wasting time and energy on them or on feeling bad. But it's an ongoing process, but I am learning to become more automatic about changing my outlook, and not dwelling so much on the not so great stuff. I know I will get to where I need to be. It's just a matter of time and haha, patience!

Thank you for this reading, and I appreciate the insights!


I wish you a very happy new year and I hope 2017 will be more joyful than 2016 and will bring you a lot of new gifts.