Rosetta Tarot-The Chariot VII


The claws and spiny protrusions point to the card's attribution of Cancer. The canopy of the chariot is blue for the element of water, the emotions. The wheels are red and seem to be going in opposing directions. It's hard to see how the chariot can make any progress. The four kerubic beasts sit in from of it, but don't seem to be moving it forward. Also, they each have attributes of the others, The lion, for exampple, has human breasts, eagle wings, and ox hooves. On other words, the elements/signs are mixing with each other.

The charioteer holds a purple cauldron with a red spiral within it. Per the LWB, this is the Grail which combines the blood and semen of the Lovers. So there's sexual alchemy here. It's the life force in its most elemental form. It's what drives us forward in life.

In back of the entire chariot, there is a yellow spiral. Behind that are waves of water since this card is the "Child of the Power of the Water".

The path the chariot is on is yellow-orange, the color of Cheth which means fence or enclosure. This is a sense of confinement and stricture in this card with the armored main figure.

On the armor, there's a cube on the chest, referring to the four elements and the physical world. There are also stars on his armor, rather than on the canopy as in many chariot cards, so this card combines heaven and earth. "As above, so below"

Babalon Jones

Ah, The Chariot - here is a picture. For me, the Fool's journey really starts to come alive from this point on after the Chariot card. It's like the stage has been set and now comes the action.


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