Sabian Symbols question


Im confused, is this a book with messages?


Hi Pao,

Basically, you have 360 degrees of the zodiac. And for each of these degrees you have a *title* to match that degree. These words/title were channelled by a lady called Elsie Wheeler in the 1920s. The cards themselves comprise of 12 red (zodiac signs) and 30 blue (1-30 degrees) ..... so when you pick one from each pile, you get up to 360. Lynda Hill has published a book with her interpretation of the sabian symbols and I believe Marc Edmunds (?) may have too. There is also a study group here at Aeclectic on them.

Hope that helps.


thank you guys!! yes i went to that site but i was confused. i thought it was a book because i didnt read cards anywhere.