Sabian Symbols Study Group: Gemini 30 - #90


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: GEMINI
Degree: 30
Number: 90



Haha, this makes me laugh (a bit), and conjures up images of Saint Tropez and Miami, where the rich and beautiful parade their flawless bodies and bathing suits, as well as their fluffy dogs and fancy cars.

To see and be seen is the motto - showing off what you have, what you can afford and reap the attention.

It's not to enjoy the beach - it's to get attention and approval.

Oooh, your newest cosmetic surgery - such a success!

It's not happiness displayed here, it's desperately seeking it. With all the wrong means, thinking a beautiful body can buy you love, a nice big fancy car can grant you respect.

It's outward beauty and riches displayed, and a really deceiving facade around empty hearts and empty lives.

The bathing beauties here are looking for approval and pseudo-love, but what will happen once time and gravity have gotten hold of their bodies and wallets? Their lives will still be empty and senseless... and they have nothing to display any more.

So I guess this symbol calls for remembering the real values of live, to put a sense and a direction in it and not rely on youth and beauty until you find out those are not for ever...


Oh my! I’ve had a few rough days here. A friend 48 years, full of vitality and vigor and very spiritual, just inexplicably dropped dead. I’ve been in total shock these last few days, and still am. This Mercury retrograde has my emotions running to the mind a total blur!

I agree with everything Simone has said in regard to the negative side of this symbol. But, I also see a positive side to this symbol as well.

Our outer reality, our physical bodies are created and constructed through our minds, and bathing beauties definitely have unique body structures. A parade of bathing beauties is a unique blend of curves, proportions and weight…these gals have balanced, graceful and well organized bodies. This symbol can also be a sign of empowerment! And how many of us can claim to have that. Am I jealous of these bathing beauties? Yes! Would I be one if I could? Yes! Will I ever be one? No! Why? Because I’ve never ever been completely honest with myself! I’ve never been able to look and say to myself “Wow, you’re a great …… and a great …….., or a great anything!!”

We are afraid to publicly and outwardly express our power because of the fear of humiliating ourselves. These bathing beauties have discovered and identified what they have to give others and their not ashamed to show it.

A parade is extremely well organized, right down to the most minute detail!! Of course there may be glitches along the way here and there, but…everyone knows what they are to do!




Dear Tink, I am so sorry to hear your news, hugs across cyber space.


Re: this symbol - Simone and Tink - great words of wisdom on this symbol as always clear and so YEA - sitting here nodding to it ALL both sides...

to me - On the surface (we swim on the surface) this symbol
is a good start I know its period but in a ways it shows me women - bathing beauties are doing a couple of things - and the focus being looked at, of course some people go over board and DESIRE to be looked at, but there are loads of people who should be looked at as bathing beauties (me at the beach looks more like a beached whale - BUT I FEEL beautiful - just the sea I suppose).

Deeper, I see it as humanities futile attempt to penetrate the 'depths' of spirit - the unconscious (water) all that, no matter how much we study, meditate, grow, change, understand I feel we are all paddling still, yes others watch to see how well we do.. but we are all in it together.. we watch others too.

Id like to SHED (shed - like take off clothes - shedding 'everything' - reveal that is) an alternative view if I may - my Newfoundland Dog - a 'water' dog - saviour and friend has this sabian symbol as her SOUL PROMISE (as calculated from a draconic chart - i.e. nodes to 0 degrees Aries-libra)

This symbol is my loving reincarnated beautiful water dogs soul promise and she live up to it on a 'higher' level for a puppy dog! and for me - with my affinity for both water and dogs... this poem always rings true with this symbol for me -
Lord Byron's poem: Inscription on the Monument of a Newfoundland Dog
"Near this spot
Are deposited the Remains of one
Who possessed Beauty without Vanity,
Strength without Insolence,
Courage without Ferocity,
And all the Virtues of Man without his Vices.
This Praise, which would be unmeaning Flattery
If inscribed over human ashes,
Is but a just tribute to the Memory of
BOATSWAIN, a Dog....."

On a deeper level without my Cassie's astrology chart I may never have discovered the symbols, hers are SO - hmm REAL ALIVE ACCURATE and observable, it was like she came to live with us for the soul purpose to OPEN my eyes to this energy and information - ahh a bit like this sybmol she SHOWS OFF, spiritually (oh and she IS a big fluff too)
I hope I have explained this with the right tone, she is so special to me, I am so blessed to have her and her energy with me, and this its her symbol....

Id LOVE to meet another with this as their souls promise to see if they are spiritual physical or emotionally fulfilling their divine experience - a human, with all the complexities we have.... and all the blessings.




Dr Jones puts it - Bathing beauties. (full stop) and has the key word - Charm.

My element is Larimar - blue pectolite (water coloured)

ALSO something just motivated me to look up the opposite symbol to this and its ' THE POPE - Sagg 30... above/below up/down in/out inner/outer I feel they both have big positives and negatives but I see a connection - deeper that is with spirit now in this Gemini 30 symbol...



Thank you for your kind words Marina, they mean a lot to me.

Oh, I love Norman Rubington's painting! Last week on a Toronto channel, they spoke of the bikini and its origins. I tried to find it on the internet to cut and paste but it wasn't to be found.

Norman had to have some spiritual blood in him. Painting these pictures with no faces let's the viewers' dream them on their own. The 1900's were a special time. So many mystics and theologists and healers came out of the woodwork at that time.

Marina said:
Deeper, I see it as humanities futile attempt to penetrate the 'depths' of spirit - the unconscious (water) all that, no matter how much we study, meditate, grow, change, understand I feel we are all paddling still, yes others watch to see how well we do.. but we are all in it together.. we watch others too.


Marina said:
ALSO something just motivated me to look up the opposite symbol to this and its ' THE POPE - Sagg 30... above/below up/down in/out inner/outer I feel they both have big positives and negatives but I see a connection - deeper that is with spirit now in this Gemini 30 symbol...

I never even thought to look at its opposite!! All souls are born with a light of heartbreaking beauty, but because this light has been slowed down in matter we are unaware of its magnificence and its awesome power.

The Pope is not only a spiritiual man but a knowledgeable man and this energy flows with the energy of spirit...such a spectacle of color. Unfortunately, he too has been held back by ancient traditions.

Ohh you have a Newfoundland Dog! I read Lord Byron's poem and my eyes grew misty and my nose started running! They are gorgeous animals, so big and floppy with huge brown eyes. I could feel the love you have for her and the love she has for you!

Hmm a draconic chart! This must be why you were searching for the South and North Nodes. How interesting! Now that would be a fascinating study wouldn't it? There's so much that can be said through the Sabian's, which I am learning very quickly!

Dogs don't judge or grudge, they give willingly, they heal our pains. Growing up we always had Labrador Retrievers. Where I live now, dogs are not allowed, but I absolutely adore/love my two beautiful cats.

Marina, to what family does blue pectolite belong? I'm not sure if I've heard of this element before?

Thank you again for your kindness,

tink x



Hey Tink...

Re: the Pope - I really see him as the FIGURE we 'watch' - many criticise also, but what a job to have - I don't think its an easy one, but he is always parading around.. so to speak... on show... and is that for our benifit I wonder, the general public -particularly non catholics can be quite harsh with him, but I see him parading his amethyst intentions around.. take it to that level (his intention is good we have to imagine that at least) well its a lovely reminder... anyway thats just my thought on that...

Pectolite (white and blue)
Chemistry: NaCa2Si3O8(OH), Sodium Calcium Silicate Hydroxide
Class: Silicates
Subclass: Inosilicates
Group: Pyroxenoid
Uses: mineral specimens and as a semi-precious stone.

Its just like that water near a tropical island - really pale stunning blue, and invites you to LOOK at it, its showy, spiritually - healing in that it absorbs 'out' criticisms .... :)



MCsea said:

Hey Tink...

Re: the Pope - I really see him as the FIGURE we 'watch' - many criticise also, but what a job to have - I don't think its an easy one, but he is always parading around.. so to speak... on show... and is that for our benifit I wonder, the general public -particularly non catholics can be quite harsh with him, but I see him parading his amethyst intentions around.. take it to that level (his intention is good we have to imagine that at least) well its a lovely reminder... anyway thats just my thought on that...

Pectolite (white and blue)
Chemistry: NaCa2Si3O8(OH), Sodium Calcium Silicate Hydroxide
Class: Silicates
Subclass: Inosilicates
Group: Pyroxenoid
Uses: mineral specimens and as a semi-precious stone.

Its just like that water near a tropical island - really pale stunning blue, and invites you to LOOK at it, its showy, spiritually - healing in that it absorbs 'out' criticisms .... :)


Hi Marina,

Yes, I agree the Pope does have an incredible job to do and yes you are quite right, he does a spectacular job of parading, showing and traveling around. I didn't even think of this at the time. I find with the Sabians you need time to go within, let them work through you to get the intuitive processes going. It's quite fascinating actually, how one little phrase can conjure up so many images. This is what I love about the Sabians.

Pectolites - Silicates! How interesting! I have some knowledge of Silicea in Homeopathy, which is used to draw out poisons in the body, boils, cysts, abcesses etc. bringing them to the surface and out into the open!

Thank you Marina, you're knowledge always amazes me, the Sabian Symbols always amaze me! I love eurekas like this, :bugeyed: especially in the morning! It makes my day!

tink :love:


I love the symbols too, they do motivate me so much

I think all of us here make a great symbol TEAM TOO!

I have learnt SO MUCH... so much here!!



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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