Seeing images


I started back meditating after stopping for a while. I usually don't meditate at all, because I get kinda bored and just I thought meditating wasn't really for me. But I thought this time if I meditate I would maybe get some type of answers that I've been seeking for.

When I was meditating I was holding a crystal in my hand "Amethyst" because I was thinking it would help me some. But what I recall was that I ended up getting images of people but it felt like I was watching tv. It was like pieces of images of them talking and then it disappears. I almost felt like I was falling asleep but I was still awake in a way (I may need to work on that). When I want to get some sort of answer I always get images of random things and it doesn't seem to make sense to me, I also thinking maybe with the images, I should figure out what it's talking about. There was this one time in the past I was meditating ( I also think I was holding the amethyst again or had it around) and I pretty much was in complete silence and when I closed my eyes for a few minutes, I remember hearing 2 people talking to one another and I don't remember seeing anything but just hearing talking like as if the tv is in front of you and having your eyes closed... I opened my eyes after noticing what's going on and I decided to close my eyes again and I continued to hear people talking to each other, even though in the back of my head I had a question that I wanted answers to.

Is I'm doing something wrong here or is this suppose to happen if you want answers..? Maybe I need to practice meditating more? I also noticed that when I have the crystal around I think that's when I seem to be more into seeing and hearing things in meditations, but I'm not sure.


It sounds like clairaudient is what you may be experiencing.

Threres all sorts of clair abilities ....clairvoyance is seeing, clairaudient is hearing, claircognizance Is knowing which i have.

Infact heres a link.....


Thank you. I think that does sound like what I have, but I didn't think about it being that. :) I will also check out the link.