seven of swords & tower


hi i have pulled the tower as how he feels for me ? shaken him up ?
we have kinda had a falling out i am not really sure what happened...
then seven of swords as how he sees me? he thinks am not trustworthy ?
any help would be appreciated !


hi i have pulled the tower as how he feels for me ?
Sadly, he probably thinks you're more trouble than you're worth.

we have kinda had a falling out i am not really sure what happened...
That fits perfectly with the Tower.

then seven of swords as how he sees me?
Perhaps as not open and honest, concealing something, with a hidden agenda.


thank you .. yes.. concealing my feelings.. the reason being i feel i cant trust him, can the seven of swords reflect him ? i feel instinctively that he lies to me.. this is why i cannot be truly honest about how i feel, like am a secret kinda thing !


Think about all of what you have told me as if it was happening to your very best friend, and she was telling you, and you'd pulled the cards for her.

What would you encourage her to do, given that she is your best friend and you don't want to see her hurt?


i understand, hard as it is .. i appreciate it :)


My favourite expression for the Tower as feelings is you "rock his world". :)

If you had a falling out, maybe he's feeling pretty bad about it. Maybe the Seven of Swords is saying he thinks you've run away?


7 Swords isn't about untrustworthiness or even stealing or things like that. It's flat out taking away the amunition someone could use against you, running away from a fight or worse. It is in RWS... "Exit, stage left"
Sometimes people pick fights as an exit strategy... so it might be he thinks you picked a fight in order to break up with him... or maybe he feels the "falling out" from the Tower was a perfect time to break out and get away. .


A hit and run.

What ever happened he feels came out of the blue and then you scarpered and I don't think he thinks you're all that concerned, as someone else said, he thinks you've pulled a fast one at his expence...he's devistated, and he's thinking the worst about why it happened.


thank you all for replying.. it leaves alot to think about...