Sexuality of/in the 7 of wands?



I was curious about what this card could indicate in terms of sexuality.

Is there ANYTHING sexual about this card?
What can it signify sexually?
Would this card indicate a passion that has been consumed?
A passion that is strongly desired?

Fighting against or for sexual advances perhaps.
Aggressive passion.

The fact that the character in this card is by himself makes me think of a sexuality that is perhaps 1 sided.

What are your thoughts?

**Should this thread be moved to the tarot study groups?


I often see this card as someone fighting with themselves, internally (where the 5 is fighting with others), over some kind of control. That can, but doesn't have to, refer to issues of sexuality.


Yeah, but isn't the 7 Wands defending his person oppose to the 5 Wands being in competition by choice?

mystic mal

I see the 7 of Wands as an aggressive drive within us,a competitive urge to win,or gain control,in a positive sense it is very useful to "sell" ourselves to win an interview from an opponant and things like that but in a negative sense it could mean agression, a fight and yes I guess even rape if its reversed with other relevant cards with it.


Thoughts on 7 of Wands

I see the 7 of Wands as a "defiant" person; one who stakes out one's claim, as it were. Immobile in attitude. As if they have made up their mind, know what they want; have taken a position, say in an argument or discussion, and cannot be convinced otherwise. Obstinate. Will hold a position no matter what evidence is presented to the contrary.
I see it as a powerful card, not a "rape victim" card. This person can hold their own in a fight or attack.
In a relationship, I would say the person would never give up their position to make way for another (in an instance of cheating, say), but would stick it out (they have staked their claim).


Is the deck Rider Waite Smith?

If it is, then I think the key, here, is "defensive." A man is defending himself with considerable energy, but his posture is defensive, not aggressive. He's defending something he considers valuable. Logically, then, he already has this "something" or thinks he does. So certainly he could be defending his place in a relationship.

But, the person might also consider both the relationship as well as the other person within it as worthy of being defended. He/she might redefine his or her role so as to become a protector as well as a participator.

S/he might also become a bit touchy--perhaps one cannot joke with this person about the relationship without provoking a defensive reaction.

Then, again, a very private person may become defensive with the partner when a casual relationship becomes sexual because sex makes it difficult to maintain a facade or any sense of distance.

A lot depends, of course, on the surrounding cards. A person might even be fighting the temptation to engage in sex for some reason or another. Or fighting interlopers. Who knows? ;)