Shadowscapes Purchase Advice Needed


I sure hope I am posting this in the right place. My apologies in advancne, if not.

I am a Tarot newbie. I joined this site several yeras ago, and have learned a lot, but i am still very new. I have one tarot deck, the Celtic Wisdom Tarot by Caitlin Matthews, which I absolutely love for the art and mythology, and the whole divining system. I do find it difficult to read and learn all the meanings, though, and make sense of it all. I just need to study more and learn. Anyway...

I would LOVE to get the Shadowscapes Tarot, I've looked at the images online in depth and really seem to connect with them, as do many other people from what I ead here on the forum. But I am torn between the slightly larger 3x5 deck only, and the slightly smaller 2.75x4.5 deck with paperback compaion book set.

My question is: Which should I purchase??

(I wish I coud get the companion book seperately, but can't seem to find it seperately anywhere. I know there are two beautiful hard back books on Stephanie's site, but those are out of the question for me financially at this time, plus they would also not be something I could transport on a daily basis to study when I have bit of time to do so).

I know this forum is awseome, and any advice would so greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!


How about I make it easy for you? I think its a great deck. I love mine.

I never seem to get around to reading the companion books, so buy the larger one and I can send you my book. Its never been opened.

(I'm one of those, wrapped a bit too tight types, that feels stifled when I read - "this card is supposed to mean that")

I like to just go by what I see and how it makes me feel. I generally only read for myself, so its all good.

You can browse around to see that I've been here awhile and done many sales and trades. If you want the book, pm me your address.

To be clear. This is a gift. it would be nice for the book to be used. :)


Wow, are you sure? That is so amazingly generous, kind, and thoughtful of you!!! I am absolutely stunned. Thank you so very much!!!


I don't have this deck so can't help you with that question, Aivli, but just stopped by to read the answer and was delighted, but not surprised, to see emmsma's very generous response! :)

Many blessings to you both :)


But I am torn between the slightly larger 3x5 deck only, and the slightly smaller 2.75x4.5 deck with paperback compaion book set.

As read from here somewhere, there is no bigger version Shadowscapes. The 3x5 one is just a size of the outer box, not the cards inside. Cards from both versions are the same size (2.75x4.5 inch or 7.0x11.7 cm), same cardstock, same quality.

So, it is just a choice between With Book or Without Book.


I recommend getting the deck without the book. It's not that the book is bad; it's just that most of the book's contents are already on the internet for free. The card meanings as well as enlarged images are already on the artist's website; the spreads, however, aren't in the website. And you can take up emmsma's very generous offer :)

One thing I regret about buying the box set is that the cards don't come with a box or a bag. It's not a really big issue, but it's a minor annoyance as the cards can get damaged.


ZKEI: Thank you so much for the heads ups. I obviously didn't realize that, and I appreciate your input. I really wish the publisher and Amazon could be more specific with the details of their products since we can't physically handle them when we are shopping online.


Amaterasu: Thank you so much for your advice. I'm definitely taking Emmsma up on her kind and generous offer! Again, I really wish publishers and online retailers would include these little details about their products in their descriptions... Would be helpful when trying shop online.