Should I Start A Business?


Hello everyone! After a long time of seeking steady employment and not finding success despite my advanced degree and experience I've been toying with the idea of starting a freelance corporate recruiting agency of my own rather than trying to work for someone else. I'm prone to depression and have felt my ego very bruised in this search. I want my firm to focus on diversity hiring and help people who might otherwise be overlooked get their foot in the door. I did a 6 card spread asking if I should start this business or what I could expect if I did. I used the Druid Craft Tarot Deck so some of my cards might be called something a little different than those using traditional decks. I'd love any input on my interpretations!

Here's my cards and my interpretations:

1. The conscious issue: The Star Card: to me this obviously shows me having a dream. It's far in the distance but it is calling to me. This new opportunity could come if I open myself to it. I see this as a good omen for my business prospects and for the healing I seek from my job search.

2. Point of tension: Six of Swords: This card represents the hard time I have been having and the importance of being willing to take a journey, to move forward. I see this as being a change for the better.

3. Way to resolution: Eight of Cups: I see this card as advising me to let go of the past and my insecurities and self doubts. To move forward. Again this seems to speak to the six of swords in calling me to journey forward in life. I see my business as being in line with my morals and potentially feeding my spiritual self and I see this card as speaking to that. Things are not working right now and I am stuck, I have to move forward so things can change for the better.

4. The unresolved issue: The Lord/Emperor reversed: This shows my feelings of wanting to buck against a corporate system that I see as overly structured and formal. However, if I want my business to succeed I need to be able to work within this system. I also see this as speaking to my business and finances not having a solid foundation. This card makes me very concerned about proceeding.

5. The point of change: The Lovers: this card calls for a balanced decision to be made. This card is another six in my reading and I don't know enough to be sure what two sixes means. Any ideas?

6. The key to harmony: Queen of Wands Reversed: this card is my significator. I know reversed she means all sorts of things but I have trouble ever seeing this card as anything other than a representation of my ideal or best self. Reversed I see it as meaning that she is in my distant future. That I need to make the decision that will lead me on the path to becoming her.

I see a lot of uncertainty and nothing in this reading that tells me "Go for it! Everything will work out!" but I do see myself being called to perhaps take this chance and keep in mind the goal is to be my best self and have work that is in line with my morals and will help me heal my spiritual side.

Any thoughts? Particularly on the 2 sixes or if anyone sees red flags I am missing? Are the journey themes in this reading asking me to rethink entirely?


Starting a new buisness

The queen of swords in reversed represents being cold, judgemental and harsh. Thus in your reading position the key to harmony the queen of swords in reverse is a warning not to let your gifts be tarnished by pain and bitterness. To use your knowledge , experience and words to help people rather than cause uneasily pain and stress. The two sixes in my mind would represent balance, rebirth and regeneration.


The queen of swords in reversed represents being cold, judgemental and harsh. Thus in your reading position the key to harmony the queen of swords in reverse is a warning not to let your gifts be tarnished by pain and bitterness. To use your knowledge , experience and words to help people rather than cause uneasily pain and stress. The two sixes in my mind would represent balance, rebirth and regeneration.

I think you misread, the card is the queen of wands reversed. :) Great interpretation of the two sixes!