Should I Stay Spread


So I've been reading this forum for quite a while, and trying a lot of the spreads you guys posted (thanks for that ;-) ), but never posted before. I thought now I'd share something back with you all. This is a spread I tried a few days ago because I didn't know if I should stay at my job or try a new one. The answer helped me a lot :)

1. Positive elements in the present situation
2. Negative elements in the present situation
3. Long term potential if I stay
4. Answer (or advice, depending on what you want from the tarot)

As I said, I did that spread for my job, but made sure the different positions were "free" enough so it could also be used for relationships, etc. Also it's possible to ask "Should I Leave" as a question (and change pos. 3 accordingly) if that's what you have in your mind.

So what do you think of it? Imput greatly appreciated ;)



I like it. Simple & straight to the point. I used it in regards to my current job and well I liked the answers I got lol


this could also be used in considering leaving someone

Astraea Aurora

Hi Gally,

Very straight, I love it and will try it. Thanks.

Blessings, Astraea Aurora