Significator cards....


I was wondering if anyone has considered or is actually using a regular photograph as the significator card? This thought came to me when a deck I received came with a blank that they suggest be embelished with things that represent ourselves to make it our personalized signficator card. At that point, I thought "why not just use a regular photograph?" That way it could always be carried with us - it is always true to who we are - and if we were to read for someone else whether online or in person, they could provide a photograph of themselves to use in the layout as the significator.

Has anyone tried it? Does it work? Any thoughts on this idea?



I think it's more to do with the essence or energy of the person rather than a pictorial likeness. They can offer a piece of jewelry, a coin, or anything else that gives their energy/essence to the reading.


I have actually used a photograph as a significator for long-distance readings for family members. I prefer a photograph to a court card because it serves the same purpose (focusing on who the reading is for) without the drawback of removing a card from the deck. I don't use anything for a significator if I'm reading for someone in person because it's pretty easy to focus on who the reading is for when the person is sitting right there.