Six of pentacles as recrimination ?

Firefly Dancer

Hello all

I have got the six of pents on feelings about a couple. I had a feeling that he feels she was ungrateful to all he did for her.

I had some feedback on the situation and the guy thinks he was mistreated and hurt even if he was so kind and caring. So he might be in a feeling mood that : I did all this for you and now how you pay me back ??

I have seen this card also in business, as the partners feeling they are the ones investing all the money and doing all the work, and that the other partner is not doing the same, not investing the same and not giving the same time.

So for romantic feelings I guess it is like ungratefulness, he thinks she was not fair to him.

Any thoughts ?


One's feelings are one's feelings and therefore aren't any more right or wrong than anyone else's feelings. But if he feels that way, then that brings up a question about motives. Is the person doing the giving doing so for the sake of giving and being generous or is that person giving because he wants adulation or thanks in return? (Kind of "If I do the 6 Pentacles thing for you, I want a 6 Wands thing from you in return.")

If you received that card in a present-oriented position, I'd say the message was to not give expecting something back in return. I would think that there would be another card in the reading that when taken with the 6P would indicate recriminations.


Wow. Everything Rodney said. Plus, as a timing card, the 6 of Pents means 'now'. Yes, you're right, it could portray someone thinking they weren't getting a fair shake; & this card isn't always about money. A lot about sharing, giving, taking, etc. hopefully with the scales being balanced in whatever category, financial, emotional or mental, because it is also about balance. You give & you give, hoping for something in return. You reap what you sow perhaps? But since the question was about someone's feelings, things could be skewed a bit, because people don't always act logically on their 'feelings'. But you also said you had feelings about the 6 of Pents regarding a couple's motives; maybe they're working on a give & take, being fair to one another? Surrounding cards would explain a lot.


If this card was reversed I might see 'recriminations' in it - in reversal someone wants it all back or takes it all back ... not quite sure how you make this card about equilibrium, balance, and transcending difficulties into recrimination ... ?