Sleeping with Stones


I hear that certain stones are good to wear or put under your pillow while you sleep. Now I have a pouch necklace I made that holds a quite large rose quartz and I wear it all the time except when I am bathing, so I sleep with it. I think that since Ive been wearing this stone it has helped me communicate telepathically on some level with those that I love.

In addition to my rose quartz I have a lapiz lazuli, a sodalite, a red goldstone, and some kind of jasper which I forgot the correct name of it. Im gonna try sleeping with each of them and see what happens. My roomate has a fist sized chunk of labradorite which I heard is really good to sleep with, but I think its too large to put under my pillow, might be a bit uncomfortable.

What are some other stones that youve heard are good to sleep with and what are their effects supposed to be.


I have a small altar near the head of my bed where I keep my dreaming crystals. I like to sleep with these stones near me:

jade - helps with remembering dreams

faden quartz - facilitates astral projection

lapis lazuli - a 3rd eye stone, helps with visualization, can make dreams more "vivid"

clear quartz - intensifies energy transfer of other crystals, can also be programmed to do anything (I program them to help with lucid dreaming)

smokey quartz - clears negative or "less than light" energy

fuchsite/ruby in kyanite/pyrite sphere - balances chakras, enhances dream state, facilitates lucid dreaming and dream recall

I have also heard that garnet and red jasper are dreaming stones. I think they both help with dream recall.



I usually sleep with crystals and I try different ones all the time. I find kyanite to bring a very relaxing healing sleep, also lepidolite. For really insightful dreams I put a piece of moldavite or sugilite on my third eye, it usually ends up placed on the nightstand in the morning when I don't remember puting it there. Selenite is good to sleep with also for a healing rejuvinating sleep. For dreaming it is good to program whatever crystal you are using.

Aura Wolf

I sleep with my amethyst pendulum under my pillow, as it helps aid in sleep. Good for people with insomnia :) and headaches.


Yeah, I sleep with Amethyst too.

Also Angelite for contact with the angelic realms
Clear quartz for using dreamtime to solve the days problems and wake up more focused and able to deal with the problem

Kirranan :)


I wear my smoky quartz pendant at all times except in the shower, even sleeping.
It really helps with negativity and communication and stress!

I also like to put my Tiger's Eye under my pillow while I sleep, it gives a more refreshing sleep, plus inspires and keeps my creativity fresh (very important to an artist and writer!)


I sleep with a clear quartz under my mattress and it helps me relax. I use to wake up with head aches and neck pain and not any more. My husband is asmathic can you suggest a stone for him to sleep with?...