so sad....


I've been trying to get a hold of Mary K. Greer's book: 21 ways to read a tarot card. I don't have access to online shopping (no credit card, no understanding parents) and it's not available on bookstores.
So you can understand my excitement when I saw it for nothing (really, like $3) on a fair! the front cover was in a really bad shape, and the seller said that some pages were missing, but in the index thread and stuff, nothing important. So I bought it.

This afternoon I set up all my things to start studying it, and... the whole step 2 is missing!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( really, and there's a page missing on step 5, numbers, but it was like a part of an excercise, and some parts of the index are indeed gone and I've been telling myself over and over that it's not that big of a deal, but it is. The rest is fine, and yet I can't bring myself to enjoy it. I mean, what's the point? I'll just have to wait until next year when I get a job, wait some more to get a credit card, and see if it's still available.

Damn, so close........ Does anybody have the book? Can anyone tell me at least what was the step? I know it's "description", but is it really just describing the card and that's it? Is it worth to read it without this part? (I know you'll probably just say no but still...........)

Well, just wanted to blow off some steam. I hate when people rip book's pages.

OHHH.... another question: Does anybody know of a site that sells the book that will let me pay like using Western Union or something? I have the cash, just not the means........


I think absolutely you can read the book with out this part. Each chapter is a little nugget on how to approach the card but you don't have to do every single step, every single time.

Paraphrasing a bit here but Step 2 involves describing the chosen card in a literal way, so you are just saying out loud what you see in the picture without trying to interpret it or attach meaning to it.
If you are making assumptions about things that are happening in the card perhaps ask yourself what made think that. Like if you think they are having a party what details make you believe that?
Look for details you may have overlooked.

The activities involve talking the card and describing it out loud (for two minutes) or writing it down in your journal for up to five minutes.
This makes you really pay attention to the card and sometimes you'll notice things in the picture you never saw before.
Then repeat what you just said but in the first person as if you are in the card and can look around you and see what is going on.

The adept section I probably can't describe so well without quoting big chunks of it but it's mainly about recognising which statements that you or the querent make about the card are objective or subjective and this in turn can relate to the querent's situation and the question asked.


I can help you with those pages. Please PM me your full email address then I can send whatever that's missing directly to you.



You can also pay close attention to the 21 Ways study group for chapter two also.
It is at the bottom of these study group threads.

And don't be afraid to post on those threads, there are always people studying ...


catbaloo: thank you, I'm going to do the excercises that you wrote about, and move on. Fortunately, the other parts are ok. :)

myaz: I pm you with my email address and the pages that are missing. Thank you soooooo much!

AJ: I'm checking the study group, it's great, :D and very encouraging to see that other people are taking the book seriuosly, I'm going to start tomorrow. :)


I've sent the stuff you needed to make it complete. Please check your email.