Songdeva's Clarity, Advice, Outcome, All-Purpose Spread Bonanza!


I've been using this spread lately....I sort of let it create itself one day. It's good for general readings, or for any question I've been able to think of yet. It's thorough, and yet not daunting. And it looks good in sunshine or by moonlight. :)


1. What is visible
2. What is invisible

3. What holds me here
4. What urges me forward

5. Advice
6. Outcome

I would think you could add more cards wherever you like, but quite honestly, the readings have been so clear I haven't needed to. It's hard to explain my connection with this spread; it's really clicked for me. If you try it out, I'd like to hear your reactions.


I really like this spread, SongDeva....I'm printing it out....I was just checking out spreads forum since I added one Four of Swords and Shield of Love Spread...

TY....I like to stick with 3-5 cards right now...once in awhile I get an urge to do a CC....but this is a very nice spread...


Will keep handy .....


I am a big fan of the straight and to the point spreads! This one looks fabulous!

Thanks SongDeva!



Thanks guys, I was hoping a few people would feel the urge to try it out. I hope you have similarly successful results.


Yep, I like it too, it's going in my journal.


Sulis xx


I like this one, too and got an accurate reading when I tried it. Sometimes in spreads the position words just call me, and these do :)


Great spread, SongDeva. I tried it last night with my new Golden Tarot and it was very clear and easy to read.