Soulmate card


You asked: Is this person my soumate. Or How do I see if this person is my soulmate.

And in the position: Is this person my soulmate - the card that describes the person you thought appears?

How to interpret this?


"HOW" you find out is what matters

kuguinha said:
You asked: Is this person my soumate. Or How do I see if this person is my soulmate.
I'll get around to answering your question in a moment--but I'd like to discuss the question itself if you'll indulge me for a moment: "How do I see (find out) if this person is my soulmate?" is a better thing to ask then: "is this person my soulmate?" The second way is yes/no, and tarot isn't good for that. Better to flip a coin if you want a yes/no answer. Next, the answer is probably NOT going to be yes/no to such a question. Why? Because people develop, change, have revelations about themselves.

Have you ever known someone in school say, who was just awful, then you go to a reunion years later and they're marvelous? What happened? Well, maybe they were having a horrible home life while in school or maybe they had some physical problem that was finally cured. Maybe they needed to go into the army or find religion...whatever. They changed. Radically. And where before you'd never have been friends, now you are.

Soulmates are the same. Sometimes you or they need time to grow and change before they become that soulmate. So, in a yes/no question, the answer may be "not yet"--meaning yes, they are your soulmate, but not yet.

Keep in mind as well that there might not be just one soulmate on this world for you. There might be many. So, instead of asking "Is this my soulmate"--ask how you discover whether this person could be your soulmate. Because that is far more important--that you learn ways of discovering for yourself who people in your life could be.
And in the position: Is this person my soulmate - the card that describes the person you thought appears?

How to interpret this?
I'd interpret it as saying that this person is what you think they are at this moment. What you see is what you're getting. Whether or not they're your "soulmate" depends on you knowing yourself. Knowing what your soul needs and wants.

Is this card, which represents this person, a compliment to what you see yourself as in the deck? If you don't know what you are in the deck, then you need to ask that. "What am I?" And see if you compliment what he is. That's how you find out if he *could* be a soulmate.

The Fish

Thirteen said:
your "soulmate" depends on you knowing yourself. Knowing what your soul needs and wants.
I think this is totally true, when someone comes along and does things which just make you think 'wow, this is what I need, I didn't necessarily know it until it came along and now it all makes so much sense', then you know this person is your/one of your soul mates.

Don't expect them to necessarily stick arond in your life though, they could be just there to help you out, and then they could be on their way.

In my experience, the person in question and I had an unexplanable bond, which didn't make any sense, but was certainly like our souls already knew each other, and whilst we agreed we should move on, we didn't really want to let go. Strangest experience in my life so far and I am convinced I will meet them again in a future existance, and I didn't really believe in such things until I met this person, which was also under weird circumstances.


a soulmate can be a person that compliments your personality and has qualities you don't possess, balancing you both out...
a perfect match would be a twin soul or twin flame...a twinsoul/twin flame is fairly rare but always a romantic relationship...
a not necessarily in a romantic relationship...soulmates can be friends of either sex, a sibling, parent,grandparent, etc...some do just pop in to your life and pop out, others can be lifetime...
right off i can't recall them, but there's a card or two that speak directly to possible soulmatehood...


when people speak of a 'soulmate'. are they speaking about a romantic relationship or some other type of relationship?

perhaps it should be stated to make it clear.

just a thought.


A soulmate isn't all about love aspect. It's about if the other person completes you as a friend or lover. You can have a friend who is your soulmate.

In my question I didn't ask for a romantic soulmate. I asked about a soulmate!


You can also have a parent, a child, a complete stranger or even an enemy as a soulmate.

They are someone who, if you choose to interact with them, will bring life-lessons that you cannot avoid into your life. Not all life-lessons are terribly pleasant things.