Specific Questions


What specific question(s) or spread(s) do you use,
to get your most accurate answers?

Wondering "what works for you?"

I'm at a standstill! :eek:

Feel like I could read better and need
some ideas that I could study with.



I try to steer away from questions with yes or no answers, and I use many different spreads, depending on what I need from the cards at the time.

I try to phrase the questions in a way that will be enlightening to the person asking them, even if that person is myself. "How can I..." or "What should I do..." are very good places to start.

What have you done to 'study' so far? Are you journalling your progress? Doing daily draws for yourself?


If I'm reading for myself I mainly stick to 3 card readings, you can get a lot of information from 3 cards or if you are in a rush you can still get the gist of the reading. You can use standard past, present, future or customise on the spot - situation, out come, aftermath! :)
The type of questions I ask are always open one's ie what will happen if I do X? whats the best way for me to handle this situation etc
Hope that helps :)


I like to use very few cards - you can get loads from a single card.

But for a straight question - I do often like using three cards: Yes if; no if; maybe if.

(thanks to Ricklef !)


poivre said:
What specific question(s) or spread(s) do you use,
to get your most accurate answers?
That depends entirely on the client's situation. If they don't name a situation they want a reading on, I use this, most times. If they are looking at the interactions between people on any level and in any situation, I use this one to see what people are bringing to the situation.

With specific questions, I usually come up with a spread on the spot that give me the information they need. I find that works better than trying to force a pre-existing spread out of shape to yield slightly different results to what it's designed for.

However, after all of this, the spread you use doesn't determine accuracy: the skill of the reader and the honesty of the client do.


Thanks for advice.
I do journal somedays but I find I don't read well for myself.
I'm interested in playing cards. Find they are simplified.
Maybe I'm just tired :( of trying to find perfect answers.

WHAT...there are none? :D


poivre said:
I'm interested in playing cards. Find they are simplified.
And some people are *made* to read with those! I have a RL friend who can't use anything except playing cards, no matter how hard he tries. He loves my collection and pores through them every time he visits - and has impromptu lessons every time he pores through them - but just doesn't have the kind of mind Tarot hooks into. But playing cards sing to him, and not to me.

poivre said:
Maybe I'm just tired :( of trying to find perfect answers.

WHAT...there are none? :D
<gentle cackle>


nisaba said:
And some people are *made* to read with those! I have a RL friend who can't use anything except playing cards, no matter how hard he tries. He loves my collection and pores through them every time he visits - and has impromptu lessons every time he pores through them - but just doesn't have the kind of mind Tarot hooks into. But playing cards sing to him, and not to me.

Thanks for this.

I love numbers and playing cards but feel that after I spent the
time to learn Tarot, playing cards are plain.

If I trade my study to playing cards and numbers,
my time with Tarot was well spent! :)