Spread Recomendation for Personal Reading


I am fairly new at reading tarot, and I am looking for a few suggestions on a spread to use for a perticular situation. My birthday is Oct 25, and this is also the night of the New Moon. Is there a good spread to use for, say a yearly reading? How about a relationship reading?

Any suggestions are appreciated.


I guess it depends on the particular situation you want to do the reading about, and what you'd like to know.

For a yearly reading, you could simply draw 12 cards, one for each month. But I suppose that is rather general, especially if you are looking for a spread for a particular situation.

Maybe you could give some more information about the situation, so that people can suggest more specific spreads?


Basically what I am looking for is just some guidence for the new year, and I guess a do have some questions about my love life, and also finnancial issues.

Hope this helps clarify things a bit.


Maybe it's best to do different readings about the various issues then.

For your love life, you might try the following wonderful spread, which was created by AT member jema:


1 - How you love yourself
2 - How you love others
3 - Wat may be blocking the flow of love
4 - What can help you to invite love into your life
5 - What may serve to keep you on the path of love

I don't know any financial spreads, but I'm sure other members have plenty of suggestions... ;) Or you can have a look at the different websites with tarot spreads.