Stone to counterbalance high cortisol-levels and stress?


I am looking for a stone that would be effective in dealing with high cortisol-levels in the blood due to long-term stress. Since I am pretty new at this I am making wild guesses here.... Would amethyst or pink rose quartz do the job? What would be a good way to work with the appropriate stone to relieve stress? Apart from making significant lifestyle changes, which of course is priority number one, no need to mention that. Grateful for any input I can get! Thanks in advance!

Sweet Irish Angel


Embla :)

here are a few suggestions,

amethyst - this is a calming stone which will help balance you mind body and spirit, will help you find inner calm and wisdom so maybe worth a go!

pink rose quartz - is a love stone it helps feel love and peace at deeper levels, heals emotional wounds and promotes inner well being, if you have been drawn to this stone i feel you should get it for yourself.

others I would reccommend are:

Blood stone - Relieve feeling of anxiety and fear. Alleviate stress by encouraging creativity and increasing inspiration.

Citrine - Helpsyou cope with stress or emotional challenges. It will raise self-esteem and encourage positive outlook.

Smoky quartz - will releve stress and it disolves negative energies and promotes positive outlook on life.

rutalised quartz - is live an anti depressant stone, it lifts your mood and releases anxiety and fears.

Lepodolite - one of my favs!!
Induces calmness, a tranquilizing effect against stress and negative emotions, helps to recognise your need for making changes in thinking and behavior patterns. - I feel this would be a wonderful stone for you :)

there are so so many that could help, but I feel these are the best to start with!
hope they help


I don't want to break your bubble but stones are verry subtle and are verry slow in their workings, so unless you increase theirs effectivness it would be verry unlikely that they really help a lot by themself :-(

some solutions would be to :

use them in magical ritual
put them in a fire / heat them (that really make a big increase in effectiveness)
use aromatherapy, color and other correspondence
takes some 'magical' herbs with them (you know theses plants that changes your counsciousness, potents.... )

So stone are good but don't stop there
Good luck


Thank you so much Sweet Irish Angel and TheOld for your information and advice! Lepodolite is new to me, so I need to do some research on it! Could I use two or more of these stones in conjunction? Would that make them more efficient or mess up their energy? Sounds very interesting to increase their effectiveness in some kind of ritual.


Embla, I'm curious about why you would want to counter balance the cortisol - has your doctor told you that you have too much cortisol in your blood? A high cortisol level isn't necessarilly such a bad thing if you are under a lot of stress, the body produces it as protection to counteract the stress. Cortisol is one of the primary catabolic hormones in the body and catabolism is not the only function of cortisol. It is typically secreted in response to physical trauma or prolonged stress. Its functions include controlling inflammation, increasing muscular catabolism and glycolysis, suppressing immune response, and maintaining normal vascular circulation and renal function, among others.

I'm thinking that it would be more important to deal with the stress and that would help to reduce your body's need to produce extra cortisol. The rose quartz is an excellent stone for reducing stress, and smokey quartz and lepidolite are tops at getting one grounded and calm.

Amethyst is more of a spiritual stone that can cause you to become too introspective if you're already under a lot of stress. It's not really a stress reliever and might get you more stressed out or even cause you to have a histaminic reaction, I've seen amethyst cause several people to get hives or other histaminic skin reactions as a result from too much exposure to it.

If you really want to reduce your cortisol levels, then bloodstone and/or Apache Tears obsidian will be most effective for that as they both are detoxifiers and both good at re-balancing the horomones and steroids in the body. (Cortisol is a type of hormone).

A nice combination for you would be rose quartz, smokey quartz, lepidolite, bloodstone and green fluorite. I'd recommend you wearing them in a little pouch that you can suspend directly between the solar and heart chakras where they'll do you the most good.

Take note that if you actually decide to take the risk of heating a stone you're better off to heat the stone very, very slowly in an oven and not to exceed 450 degrees farenheit. Putting any stone into a fire (which may easily exceed 1900 - 2500 degrees) will undoubtedly change the character of the stone and will most likely cause the stone to quickly crack or shatter along all of it's inner fractures or veils, or anywhere there will be other mineral inclusions inside the stone. Heating a stone in a fire may also release toxic chemical vapors, so please be careful if you do that.


Excellent crystalwoman, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us. Thank you for clariyfing that it is the stress that needs to be counterbalanced, and not the protective hormone of cortisol itself. Very valuable information.

Thank you also for pointing out that amethyst can cause you to be too introspective when under a lot of stress, and actually give histaminic reactions.

I will take your advice for the combination of stones you recommended, rose quartz, smokey quartz, lepodolite like Sweet Irish Angel also recommended, and green fluorite and blood stone. Do I need to prepare my pouch or the stones in any particular way? For how long would it be recommended that I wear them?


Embla said:
Do I need to prepare my pouch or the stones in any particular way? For how long would it be recommended that I wear them?
You could smudge the pouch itself with sage smoke. That particular assortment of stones are all safe to immerse in water so I'd recommend you recharge them all in cold trickling water for 15 minutes prior to putting them in the pouch. Then you can wear them for the day but don't wear them in bed, but them under your pillow for sleeping. Recharge the stones with water every morning. That's important because when stones are working hard you'll see they start to change color, get slightly muddy looking or start to fade in color. Recharging them will bring back their brightness as well as cleanse them of any negative energies they absorbed while you were wearing them.

As to how long you should wear them - keep on wearing them daily until you feel healed of your stress-related symptoms. That may only be a matter of days or may be several weeks depending on how badly stressed out you are. You will be the best judge of when you are feeling better.


Thanks again, I´ll follow that recipe :)