Sun and reversed Moon-help!



I am relatively new to tarot and am slowly getting to know my tarot - of marseille- pack, day by day. Usually I pull just one card and other times I do three if I am asking more specific questions etc

Today I decided to pull two- as I am working towards getting to know combinations and the effects cards have on one another.

ANYWAY- today I pulled sun upright and moon reversed.. wow

My question was - what do I have to learn today?/ what does today have to offer?

I understand the individual meanings but not how they interact.. can u help?


Did you have a good day today that perhaps bought you some clarity?Did something become clear to you and no longer worries you?

I started reading tarot in pairs, first and foremost but I used to split the deck into the majors and minors.

Do some exercises each day with two cards, by asking yourself this question. " If I was on a desert island, what sort of a day would I have?"

Sun and the Moon rx.

Firstly I see a link between the two. They share a brilliant light. The Moon upright would be dim and full of shadows, here the light would be very bright and directly above you.

How would this light effect your day on this island?
I would say that there would be a great possibility that you might spend the day outside.

On the whole it is likely to be a good day, with some very high peaks of success.

If there have been some worries, then some could lift today. Perhaps today, you will spend the day gathering food for yourself and this would make you feel useful and accomplished.

Your mood would certainly be lifted with all this fresh air and sunshine. This could have an effect on how you get on with others. Co-operation, problem solving would be high on the agenda.

Just some thoughts for you. Pretending this way can help you link the cards.



Actually I spent the day studying and I did have a break-through on my dissertation - which I have been working on for a year!

Makes sense..

I was also chasing the sun rays in the library!

Thankyou so much! x


charlietiy said:
Actually I spent the day studying and I did have a break-through on my dissertation - which I have been working on for a year!
This makes perfect sense!

You shined a bright light (Sun) on something that allowed you to clear the haze around it and clarify that which wasn't as apparent before (Moon, rx.)


<smile> "Light into the darkest corner."