Super Daily Spread! Daily Edition


It's the Daily Spread Daily Edition! :D

"What does tomorrow have in store for me?" is the question I ask for my daily reading(s). The 3-card pulls I do for it aren't always the easiest for me to interpret, so I decided to just make a spread.

The way I use it:
A. The major "event" during school
B. The major "event" at home
C. The major "event" at other activities
a. What caused (causes) the event @ school
b. What causes the event @ home
c. What causes the event @ other
0. The "simple" version; the overall version
You can of course change it as you need--I know lots of people may have already completed school, etc..

You can lay it like this, or any way you like.
It kind of looks like a triangle stemming from 0. Sometimes I put the cards represented by capital letters on their side to made it look funny xD

I hope you find this spread useful :>