symbolon-MINORS-Taurus/Pisces-The Garden of Spirits


1. What's on the card

You can find the card on Peter Orban's site at

A young woman is working in a garden.
She is absorbed in her dreams. Fairies are dancing in her garden, there are talking flowers, she lives in a garden of spirits and is immersed in this world of images.
That there is a real world out there, she acknowledges, but it does not mean so much to her than her private little world of fairy tales.

2. What does it mean

The internal personality associated with this card feels at home in the world of fairy tales.
In order to be able to immerse oneself in the world of fairy tales, one must be able to put aside the material world out there.

A lot of us cannot leave todays reality (perhaps only while sleeping) and look upon the other world as a child's fantasy.

Others almost completely live in this "World behind the World". The ordinary world does not offer much to these people, they don't feel at home here.
The Taurus/Pisces card is about this phenomena.

Although up to here everything sounds OK, there is a problem at the root of this card, which we call the Cinderella Syndrom.

Cinderella lives in a house, once her home, as a servant. Other people have taken the place of her home and her father and now she must serve, and so she dreams...

Of a prince willing to marry her, of the search after his princess, of a tooth-fairy, of a great ball, of her transformation, of an incredible dance and finally of a prince looking for here across the whole country.

These are the things she dreams about. Never did she have to take an action, everything happens without her intervention. The truth is, she cannot act, while everything occurs in a dream.

And when Prince Charming does appear in the real world, she will not recognize him, because he does not match her fantasy.

The only thing left to do in the real world is to perform, passively, a simple job (household duties, gardening, whatever).

This personality has nothing to do with the real world and the battle of Egos. It cannot settle down in this world, it cannot grow its roots here. Material things do not have value, except subjective value by providing food for its dreamworld as symbols and allegories.

The goals ordinary people set are not its goals, the world is Maya, an illusion, and behind this world is the Garden of Spirits.

In Peter Orban's book "Verborgene Wirklichkeit", in which he introduces you to esoteric thinking, he used another book as a Mystery Play, to explain the path of the soul.
That other book is Manfred Kyber's "The Three Candles of Little Veronica", in which the first chapter is titled "In the Garden of Spirits". I thought you should know about this reference, because it might be of importance to understand the meaning of this card.

I hope this helps clarify some of the keywords and explanations used in the LWB for this card.



Verborgene Wirklichkeit - Eine Einführung in das esoterische Denken

The Three Candles of Little Veronica

Symbolon - Das Spiel der Erinnerungen - Zur Symbolik astrologischer Aspekte

Symbolon - Arbeitsbuch zum Horoskop-Mandala

Kursbuch Astrologie - Eine Einführung in die Welt der Symbolon-Astrologie