Tantric Dakini Oracle


*bump* I'm curious about it too.


Weird, delightful, colourful collages. La-dee-da new age crap in the book but some kernels of wisdom if you sift through the gobbledygook.

I love mine <g>

Nice to have decks that are different from everybody else's decks. How many R-W clones can one have before stultification sets in? I have a largish (for me) collection of decks, and this is just the sort of thing I go for now--different with different imagery. Makes you think before trotting out the conventional answer.

It is refreshing, surprising, but it's still readable and enjoyable to work with. If you can get a decent price on it I wouldn't hesitate to tell you to buy it.


A card for you, to entice you on the journey with this deck

I drew a card for you from the Tantric Dakini Oracle. Lots of chakras in this deck, sexual energy, numbers, bliss, cycles, karma, change, perception, destiny, rites, wisdom, psyche, symbols, unity, principles, aspects, initiation.

3 Scarlet Woman

Creation, Preservation and Dissolution--the threefold nature of existence - "3" The trinity, the trine of astrology, the Past, Present and Future, the threefold cycle of destiny. Some affinity with The Empress of Tarot.

Goddess, small red flowers, one big open poppy--fruitfulness, fecundity. Threefold play of the Goddess, the shakti sensual and sexual aspects. Left-hand tantric path--there should be no hesitation to perform potent acts provided one is prepared to handle the consequences.

Red--sulpherous nature of her energy--the raw female principle in the alchemical process of self-realization. Open poppy = the womb of the Goddess is open in a mystic invitation. On her brow a ruby--fire-like transcendental nature but also she is sure of her position of authority and wears her potency as ornaments.

Divinatory Meaning:

Importance of shakti or female energy principle.
Strongly passionate nature, from sensual to spiritual realms
Heart card--representing resolutions of divisions between spiritual and material.
Coming to terms with this archetype - creative fulfillment.
Base or sexual center, could indicate pregnancy.

A bit of a stretch from The Empress, fully pregnant and skipping about with lambs and small babies and flowers.

Refreshing, isn't it?

Yeah, you can feel the power and energy of the female principle which isn't just about being a mother.

That's a GOOD deck IMO.


thanks darwinia, if that card was drawn for moi, sounds like I should get it.


It was drawn for sunflowr, but since you asked about the deck too, it's an example for both of you.

Should you get it?
Do you feel like buying and using something different?
Does it sound like the sort of deck and system you could get into without constantly comparing it to other decks?

I think if you're going to think to yourself "This isn't what the Empress means!" then it would only annoy you.

If you can roll with a different system and a different approach to meaning, then it would delight you.

A lot of tarot purists get very uptight about decks and which ones are "proper" to use, and which meanings are "correct." You can read this attitude in certain reviews.

Are you like that? Then you wouldn't enjoy this.

But the rest of us LOVE it. . . Hahahaha


I love this deck. It's hard to believe how old it is , because the style and images seem so futuristic for its' time. I think it's altogether brilliant and completely fun.


I love this deck. It's hard to believe how old it is , because the style and images seem so futuristic for its' time. I think it's altogether brilliant and completely fun.

I don't quite remember the circumstances, but you were talking about this on another forum (which of course I won't mention here), and YOU were the person who convinced me to buy it.

It's been a joy in my collection ever since. I love these odd decks.