Tarot and Astrology (astrology) with the Solar Eclipse


I saw spread in this forum on predicting your destiny and year number and I was wondering if tarot can do the same in regards to the Solar Eclipse which will last 16 days until the Lunar Eclipse happens on August 16th.

I am new to astrology. I pulled a card on the Sun and Moon alignment. I want to know if my interpretation is correct. Here we go...

For 16 days from the Solar Eclipse (New Moon alignment) in Leo.

+ Sun represents truth, creation and energy.
++ Leo represents a time of strength, self-confidence and having courage
+ Moon represents reflection, receptivity and life cycles.
++ New Moon represents new beginnings and intentions.

The card I pulled is 8 Swords.

So according to Astrology with Tarot, the Solar Eclipse for me means that this is a

1. New period of energy in accepting, or being comfortable (Leo as the tarot Strength card) my [possible mental] limitations and restrictions in certain areas of my life.

or since the Sun represents all forms of creative energies: creativity, romance, ego, self-expression, offspring, holidays, recreation, art and social events....

2. New restrictions (8 Swords) on one or more creative energies mentioned above.

Which of the outcomes (1) or (2) is the correct interpretation?


Only you can really answer that.

But this might help: Astrological affects of the solar eclipse

Depending on your sign, it might give you a better idea of what is going on.

Elven has a neat link to a Sabian symbol site (which I really don't know anything about), but after reading the blog on the solar eclipse, it sure made some cards make more sense in light of the cosmic complexion and how it relates to life in general and in some cases specifically. Click to continue reading and it goes into more detail about the eclipse and skip the part about the Olympics in China... unless you really care.


I read the site not referring to the Olympics already. I tried applying some of its verbage into tarot the best I can. I would like to combine astrology and tarot in the future. Just like many people in forum mix numerology and tarot.

I wanted someone to help me get my astrology ideas and wording correct in regards to interpreting tarot cards.


Here is a good site for some basics on tarot and astrology.


I don't know how the Golden Dawn one would fit, but this site corresponds planetary stuff with each of the cards
Keep scrolling down the page... it's a long one.


another good site with loads of info, still using the Golden Dawn attributions, and gives loads of other astrological/tarot info as well

07 Gemini Lovers Knight Swords 8 Swords 0 -10 May 21 - 31

I don't know how well this corresponds with RWS.