Tarot Beginner: Court Cards in 4 card Reading


Hi all! I attempted to do a truncated version of a celtic cross but I think that's beyond me, so I did a fairly simple reading. I've only been learning for a few months so bear with me. I pulled four cards without a spread or focus (i.e. past present future, conscious/ subconscious) in mind. I also don't read reversals.

Question: What do I need to know to help me stay motivated and focused on my school work?

Deck: Linestrider tarot

Cards: Page of Cups, Queen of Pentacles, Wheel of Fortune, Page of Swords.

I'm having a lot of trouble with this. Does it mean something if there are such a high number of court cards and half pages? Anyway, here goes my interpretation of this reading.

Page of Cups: I need to follow my hunches and be on the look out for any messages or feeling related to school work. The feeling that I'm getting from this intuitively and also based off of my deck is that I need to turn away from a more intuitive, airy-fairy kind of approach to school and think about things more logically.

Queen of Pentacles: might be a representation of my potential in my future career? Also, this might be turning me on on to the nurturing nature of my professors, especially one who has worked in a specialization I'm interested in (oncology social work). I think this may also be symbolic of my education: wanting to help people and work with sick or mentally ill people but, you know, also pay my bills.

Wheel of Fortune: I think this is telling me to be aware of my patterns and cycles. But ugh, I'm not sure how it relates. Maybe it's also saying that I'm entering a new stage or cycle in my work/ education, that I'm evolving as a social worker and I need to honor that?

Page of Swords: Okay, this is the one card that I actually understand. I think it's saying that I need to get excited about my work to be motivated to do my darn homework. I need to get as involved as I can with my education to be motivated to do the homework.

So, okay, feel free to tell me I'm really wrong here. I'm just so new at this. I guess what I'd like to know is more about how these cards work together. I'm also struggling to find something like advice within these cards. I'm just really confused and any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks!