Tarot Box... crystal


I bought a Wooden box with most beautiful carving... it's perfect for my "Robin Wood Tarot" (which i recently acquired)

I have a small figurine of a goddess (she's called "Tara" which means Star in Hindu)... but i want to put something more.

I was thinking a crystal or some amulet... any suggestion?

What to keep with Tarot Deck?

Mike here :)


Amethyst and Quartz

I keep tumbled quartz and amethyst with my Robin Wood deck for clarity and opening a psychic and intuitive connection with it. They really helped me bond with my deck and I feel my readings are clearer and easier for me to interpret intuitively now. I would highly recommend both of those.

~Nisha :)


For Robin Wood and Tara...


Link above to look at some colors of the deck you are talking about...

If it's a White Tara and you want to play on the beautiful clear energy, I would try a clear quartz.

If it is a green tara--say a jade green--maybe a turquoise or jade or deep sea blue or green?

Robin Wood has a lovely rose-red heart shape in one of the cards, also the gold pentacle, etc...I do not have the Robin Wood, but I do have colorful decks where I alternate the stones...usually I have a heart-shaped stone in a color such as dark blue (Lapis) or recently, I bought a calcite heart that has jade green and golden-white inclusions.

Many people find their most pleasing colors--it can be a rose quartz, amethyst, jade, etc...and take that into consideration with a crystal.

Sometimes I put an unlighted incense stick for good smell vibrations...or dried lavendar or sage bits. It can get a bit messy, so perhaps you want that in a small muslin or gauze bag folded up near the deck...

Nothing is really needed, but adding little bits...it does make me feel a little more vibrant, intrigued and involved with using the deck...

Hope the ideas help.



I usually keep a moonstone, amethyst, or ametrine with my favorite decks. These stones help amplify psychic energy. If you want to have a stone in there to purify it I'd suggest citrine as it transmutes negative energy and does not need to be cleared. I usually keep the stones in small velvet pocuhes - especially if it is a point - so as to protect the cards themselves.


I like Smoky Quartz, it's like the baking soda in the back of the fridge. It just soaks up whatever fuzz is hanging around the cards.